Anyone have new chicks coming?

After sitting in the Ohio post office for over twenty four hours they were shipped out and should be in my possession by one. And they wonder why the post office is losing customers. It's stupidity like this why I refuse to send things through the UPS and Fedex they are so much more reliable!
My PO called at 6a and I think I was there within 5 minutes. All seven are alive. They started pecking eack others beaks within minutes....tried their food but the Purina crumbles were too big. I made a moist mash and they've been stuffing themselves since! I will be glued to the brooder all day and hoping for a speedy arrival for all of you. Pics when I figure out new camera...
Adenium - the face they're eating is a great sign. Congrats and let's see pics!
Well we have a few new to us chicks after our coccidios episode..sighs.. I have another speckled susses, cuckoo maran, a mixed breed easter egger who is just too darn cute, and another lemon splash silkie who is 2 weeks older than the rest.. omg she is so silly looking it's adorable.

I am mother henning them a bit too much.. no handling or touching just constantly checking on them...
Awwww. Hopefully they stay healthy.

I'm completely mother henning. Had a little snuggle session with each for a couple minutes then let them go back to gorging themselves. I'm set up with my camera and computer to start figuring them out. Sitting right next to the brooder. It's hot in here, but they're worth it.

STILL eating, by the way. 4 hours in. A couple have taken very brief breaks, but no real sleeping yet. When they crash, they're really going to crash I think.
I went back and reread on here.. all nervous I handled them too much at first.. so absolutely no handling at all for the next week and then slow handling from there.. sighs.. I basically look at everything that could have gone wrong and figure the stress from traveling, the poor weather and probably handling all conspired to let the cocci get out of check and take over. If I had remembered half of what I used to know sighs.. I might have saved a couple.. I didn't think of corid and poultry drench until we lost the third chick.. of course it all happened in a matter of 2 days.. *sighs*
My journey begins!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally they are here!!!!!
They also called me at 6h15 this morning (pacific time) and unfortunately one (EE bantam) didn't make it. However the other ones are full of life and the silkie she is hilarious!!! Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I am happy eventhough I lost my sweet EE
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Simplify, did you lose them all when they were still in a brooder?? Didn't think I'd be worrying about cocci til they were outside. I'm feeding Purina Start&Grow (medicated) and won't give them dirt for a while. But now I'm nervous!

Poulettes - so sorry to hear about your EE, and that was the one I was thinking you were so lucky to get! I'm glad at least you didn't have a long drawn-out process of losing her, and you can concentrate on the happy little fluffballs that made it.

I didn't pick our Silkies, but I sure am enjoying staring at them. They're so small that they walk up and over the big chicks, or tunnel right between their legs. Little piggies. One is a total runt.
Here's the arrival......
Then supposedly the red silkie - is this right?
Barred rock.....
White of two little twins.
All together. 4 Little, 3 Big. Barred Rock, Buff Orp, white then black then other white silkie, and the red silkie and Partridge Rock on the right.

Partridge Rock - I had to ask in the gender thread to make sure this early-showing comb wasn't an issue. Both Rocks have it.

Pooping like champs. I love the little Black next to the Big. And the twins keep hanging out together. Pooped in synchrony, too.

And last but not least the video - first time posting one but I know I love it when other people include them. Wait, it only uses Youtube and Vimeo and I don't use either. Rats. Pouletttes, you've got to post some pics too!
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Chicks arrived, one very dead,two not looking too good the other three seem ok. All need to get cleaned up but wanted to let the de stress a little first. :(v

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