Anyone have new chicks coming?

I've got some coming from MPC next week. Hopefully I won't have shipping issues since I am in Ohio and I guess that's where they ship from...

I'm expecting 2 easter eggers, 2 silver cuckoo marans, and 2 speckled sussex. I really wanted to get some blue silkies, but they sold out before I got the chance. I may have to find some locally though because they are soooo gorgeous, especially the splash.
Jakoda - yours are that tame already huh? Every time I pick mine up (except the silkie - I'm convinced she's just perprtually stoned on something) they act like I'm pulling their toenails out
The mostly calm down when I have them in my hands... but... and I cleaned out the brooder today - replaced the shavings. That was an ordeal... those girls were unimpressed with me for quite a while.
I have 11 chicks on their way from Ideal. We're 2 1/2 hours away from the hatchery so I'm hoping the babies will be at the post office in the morning. Fingers crossed.
JM, yes, altho a couple of them I think they are the sussex girls, do some squawking when I pick them up, but I just cup them in my hands for a few minutes calm them down and then place them back in the brooder, when I put them back in I open my hands and let them sit in my hands for however long they wish.

I think someone mentioned, maybe not in this thread, that those chickies will come a running when they realize your hands are a food source..mine sure do! I also just walk in the room and say "chickie chickie' and they come running for the door of the cage...

Try making some of the 'mash" i talked about,,it's just the starter food with water added to make a mash, mine go bonkers over it, I also leave some in hands and they pick away at it.

I've trained dogs for years, and figure since food /treats work well in training dogs, it just makes sense that it can work for chickens to:)

chippie, glad they made it thru the nite, hoping they continue to flourish..LOVE reading these updates!
I agree...mash from starter is a hit. Today I'm grinding the dry crumbles for them but reserving the mash for feeding by hand. Nothing better than all the chicks clambering over you to get at it. I am hoping this positive assocation outweighs the negative one from butt cleaning :(

Chippie keep up the good work! Glad to hear they're improving.
OK! Here are my fuzzies! I just love watching them SO much. I gave them a bug from the yard (silverfish) and it was hilarious to watch them try to figure out what it was. Needless to say - it did not survive very long. HAHHAH
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Chippie keep us posted on how they are doing... hugs.. It was a rough week for us last week so I know how you are feeling.

Off to work.... fun fun fun.. got a lot more done in the coop today.. Can't wait til the babies are moved out into their new home!!

My chicks from Ideal came at 6:30 this morning. All chirping and healthy, though I did get shorted a Polish. Waiting on them to open to give them a call. But here are some pics of the group.

A little Black Crested White Polish, can't wait to see what it looks like grown!

Buff Laced Polish

Crevecoeur, love the fuzzy beard!

Gold Laced Polish, this little one wouldn't sit still, best pic I got of it

Red Polish

Silver Laced Polish

White Crested Blue, I had ordered two but I'm missing one

And two Red Silkies, just because


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