anyone have photos of young cameo to help sex?


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
I'm trying to help a friend sex some young cameos, they are about 4months old. I was just looking for bars on their wings, but not sure if i'm seeing any or not. anyone have any comparison photos for me?
This is my hen , she is a year old and lost all the barring on her wings by the age of 4 months, i knew she was a female because she is a sex -linked chick.
can you get a good photo of the Pea in question? This is my baby at a couple weeks old

She is a year in the next 2 photos

She is about 6 months old in this photo.
I'm trying to help a friend sex some young cameos, they are about 4months old. I was just looking for bars on their wings, but not sure if i'm seeing any or not. anyone have any comparison photos for me?
Take them along on Saturday and I'll sex them for you there
as a side question what would be the visual difference between a black shouldered cameo male and a cameo female?
If you knew what they looked like when they hatched, a cameo bs chick would look like an IB bs chick for the week or so. At 4 months, you should be able to see similar barring on a cameo male as you would an Indian blue male. Cameo bs male would already be showing the neck colour from breast to almost the head and lighter colouring in the main body, a regular cameo hen would be the colour of Zaz's pic up there
sorry, initially I couldn't see the pics you posted in when I gave my second reply. Look like purple hens to me.
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