Anyone have pictures of Light Coronation/Sussex?


Always Grateful
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Apr 11, 2010
I hatched some eggs that are supposed to be the light--lavender color Coronation. The chicks are now going on two weeks. A few of them have a small bit of black at the bottom and underneath their wings...hoping that the neck and tails turn out Lavender! Body and wings are white.
Also, for some weird reason, they shake their heads like they are extra sensitive in hearing. They only do that when I start talking to them. I'm not yelling at even tried talking softer, and they still shake their heads. They are supposed to be a large bird, hoping they grow into their ears? Never have seen anything like this before.
Anyway, if anyone has a picture of any of these, please post!!
Here are some younger ones. The difference is obvious.

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I'd say...there is a excited to see my babies get big. They are pretty. How old are yours here? I have some time to wait I guess before I see any color come to the neck or tail area.
Thanks for the pictures...Oh, and I'm finding that they mature faster than some others. My Welsummer is slow, and of course the Faverolles are smaller.
They're 2 or 3 weeks old here. I found them to be very fast growing. Great dual purpose bird. Good to great layers, fast growing large meat birds too. My year old adults weigh in at 12-13 lbs for roos and 8-10 lbs for hens.

I also have faverolles. They are slower growing and definitely not as large.

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