Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

my ducklings arrived this morning just like i thought they would but they came with peanuts so the peanuts have been put up for sale and hopefully they go quickly.

the ducklings are sooo tiny but their a bantam breed of duck so they should be itty bitty since the wont grow to be very big. there is 1 male and 4 female just to think of more names that go together so they all will have names..oh and there are a dozen peanuts...cute peanuts but they can not stay

The week of April 19th I will be getting my chicks!! I am SO excited/nervous. I've never had chickens before but have wanted them for years.

I wanted a nice mix so I can figure out what breeds work best for me. I'm ordering 15 chicks from Murray Mcmurray.

2x Buff Orpingtons
2x Dark Brahmas
2x EE
2x Speckled Sussex
2x Black Australorp
1x Free Rare Exotic Chick
5x meat birds
10 Days and counting for my 16 Chicks, 1st timer here got the brooder just about ready and the coop is all designed in my head just need to start building
I have the coop design drawn out on grid paper - bought one of my windows today for it. I am nervous about my builder getting it completed in time. I wouldn't mind getting a couple of brahmas too. Don't mean to sound ignorant - but new to this - what are the "peanuts" you guys are referring to - extra chicks?
I have the coop design drawn out on grid paper - bought one of my windows today for it. I am nervous about my builder getting it completed in time. I wouldn't mind getting a couple of brahmas too. Don't mean to sound ignorant - but new to this - what are the "peanuts" you guys are referring to - extra chicks?

yes, the extra chick(s) are the "peanuts"
i have 12 chickens from murray mcmurray hatchery and my dad is always saying how he is going to cook them and how tasty they will be and that i should name them supper, lunch, dinner etc...
but i know he likes them because he is outside with them and he sometimes talks to them and he even gave me half of his shed and made me a coop and run for them , so i know he secretly likes them!
i have 12 chickens from murray mcmurray hatchery and my dad is always saying how he is going to cook them and how tasty they will be and that i should name them supper, lunch, dinner etc...
but i know he likes them because he is outside with them and he sometimes talks to them and he even gave me half of his shed and made me a coop and run for them , so i know he secretly likes them!

I also name my chickens, but when I got 3 EE s, way long time ago, and named them, My wife kept insisting that I should have named them SPICY, CRISPY, and ORIGINAL, Like KFC.
We don't eat our pets.
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