anyone in England ?

Hi Meg. Your probably right about rearing a rooster from a chick giving you the best chance of getting the kind of behaviour your looking for. But rearing chicks or poulets is completely different to keeping grown birds if you research the subject first you should be okay. It,s been my experience that theres good and bad in all breeds and any rooster has the potential to do harm. Saying that the big breeds like light sussex ,rhode island red, etc tend in my experience to be placid. Thats when their mature.
Hi megb. Im in bath so not too close im afraid. I learnt from my mistakes with roosters. My first one I raised from a chick and babied. When he reached sexual maturity he got nasty and was really vicious. We got rid of him in the end. Now i am breeding pekins and dont handle my roosters unless I really have to. I would rather have them keep out my way than attack me! I cuddle my hens instead!
I have my younger rooster which i reared but like you both say i have kept my distance he stays away from me even if I walk near, he seems to understand that I'm not taking his girls away where as the older one in separate area attacks you if you walk near the fence! So can any one give me advise on finding hatching eggs and how sending in post works, I'm use to just picking mine from my hens a incubating.
What kind of chickens do you want megb? You are probably best finding a breeder who has the type of birds you like and speaking to them about posting you eggs. If possible it is always best to pick them up as the air cells in the eggs can get displaced during transport and your eggs will be about 2 days fresher instead of sitting in the post. X
i post eggs. i have warrens, welsummers, light sussex, silver sussex, choc wyandotte, silkies and choc wyandotte x warren (choccy warrens).
i am in bolton, lancashire but have posted successfully as far as greece!
I currently have warrens, buff sussex and a cross between the two. I would like i think some light Sussex, welsummers or more warren's i need something friendly and don't mind being together, altho my warrens are in separate house and run. Are these good to have?

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