anyone in England ?

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Also can anyone suggest some reasonably priced layer pellets which are decent quality & I want to put a bit of fat on my hens for the winter, any suggestions ? They have an endless supply of layer pellets & treats in the afternoon like cheese( a small bit each) bananas, cucumber , sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds & I was giving them henergise which they became violent to get to! So I stopped that! I give them mealworms at times, they have approx 300 m2 with grass & soil. I am sure they have lost weight since we got them 5 weeks ago, do you think it's because they are so busy? I am worming them next week with marriages flubenvet pellets. I know it's not good to have fat hens but maybe a little fatter for winter? It's so hard to know what's best for them, they are laying just about everyday as well, help?.......
I give mine the wild bird fat balls and squares. someone posted on another thread that free rangers are skinnier than ones kept in pens cos they use more energy.
I also make a boil up of peelings inc potato peelings (yes, I know raw is bad), boiled chicken bones and any other bits from the fridge. I let it cool and add bran, porridge oats, weetabix etc and give it them as a mash.
Apparently liver and any other meat, raw or cooked is good for them but not onions (don't ask)
Thanks for that, I will hang a fat ball in the coop but don't want to attract rats, there is a lot of talk on feeding game pellets which have more protein however I think it's too much for adult hen kidneys etc?
the fat balls won't be there long enough to attract rats! You could try to make your own as well. put in mealworms, seeds, bits of bacon, pork fat, anything cut off the sunday roast etc.
Unless you intend to eat the birds, don't worry too much about fattening them up. They will be ok in winter fat or thin. Put extra straw or sawdust or sand or whatever in the coop and if it gets properly cold try closing the coop hatch, if you have one or hanging a thick cloth over. Make sure you have vents open though so they don't get poisoned on their poo!
Hello! I'm near Winchester and keep phoenix, poland and sebright bantams (and lots of crosses in between).
I don't spoil my chickens half as much as you do with food, as a treat they sometimes get mealworms but otherwise it's just the usual and I don't have any problems with their weight (excluding my SS girl). It's either that or they're all skinny...

I've been on here a while but only just found the 'Where am I? Where are you!' forum
so hello everyone!
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hello :) I'm near Southampton and I am glad to find a friendly chicken place :) I keep just a few pet chickens - totally spoilt bantams at that! I hope to gather more and more and more .... discreetly of course, so the husband never quite realises until we have LOTS and he didnt see it coming ;)

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