anyone in England ?

hello :) I'm near Southampton and I am glad to find a friendly chicken place :) I keep just a few pet chickens - totally spoilt bantams at that! I hope to gather more and more and more .... discreetly of course, so the husband never quite realises until we have LOTS and he didnt see it coming ;)

Haha, we're in a mid-terrace in Witney, don't think I can get away with a massive accumulation. Yours really are spoilt if they live indoors (love your picture)!

For a treat, mine enjoy a bit of corn some afternoons, and I also feed them a mealworm/seed mix as a treat. I am trying to make a slug trap that keeps the slugs alive, so that I can slug-harvest at night ready for their treat in the daytime
Not sure they'd go for slugs that have been in a beer trap!
I'm with you. For now I'm stuck in the states counting the days until I'm 22 and can ship off for medical school in the UK and never return home.

I'd love to visit the States (once spent an afternoon in Buffalo, if that counts for anything).
They say the grass is always greener on the other side.... this might actually be true due to all the rain we get here! If you like rain, welcome to the UK, you'll love it!
Does that mean your a farmer? Or just enjoy the farming land!?

welcome to byc!

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