anyone in England ?

It's taken us a while to get to this stage but hard work and will power helped

We have 4 horses 5 cats a black lab and my tortoise Michelle

Animal crazy here I would love a goat too a Pygmy one

What do you have ?
Sounds great :D But yes hard work!
I have a 20 year old ex racer who I've had for 13 years and I wouldn't swop him for the world ~


We have Mac the dog ~


We lost our other terrier Kipper back in April, she was14 and had been poorly for a while.
I have a couple of house cats, and one at the farm where I keep Harry.
30 chickens/chicks of various breeds and ages. Mainly polish, an Orpington, 3 hybrids, Pekin and silver laced Wyandottes. I hatched the Pekin and Wyandottes a week last Friday ~



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Then click upload from my device ~


If this does not work (it can be glitchy) you can switch to desktop version by scrolling down to the bottom of any page and clicking desktop ~


It's the same mountain and moon icon in the editor ~

Hi I'm new here from Bristol. I have 11 GL Wyandotte Bantam eggs under 2 of my broody bantams. They're due to hatch Saturday. Excited!

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