Anyone in WV???

White is my favorite color! Love the blue and especially the splash too! How much are the white ones? But I think you live pretty far away and my stickers dead on my car.

When my splash and black start breeding I'll bring you some chicks :) they'll be better quality than these ones I have now. I don't live too far from you and go to greens all the time :)
Armand is the daddy, but this little frizzle guy doesn't look so much like him. One of the smooth ones resembles him more. I do have some 3-week olds and I think one is going to look a lot like Armand. I was hoping it was a female, but I believe its going to be male. If so, I might consider giving Armand to you, and keep the younger one! :) I'd deliver, knowing he's going to a good home. The 2 boys: Armand - top center.
They're pretty!!!!
White is my favorite color! Love the blue and especially the splash too! How much are the white ones? But I think you live pretty far away and my stickers dead on my car.

I'm keeping these two :) I think this hen has some Cochin in her cause they have white skin. I have two eggs due to hatch Sunday and some others due to hatch in a week or so :)

Oh my gersh!  Look at that poof!!   :love

Do they have all 5 toes?  The legs could still darken up as they grow. 

Isn't it cute?! I'm so excited! I have no idea where the brown came from.... It's a white hen with a paint roo. Guess the hen has something in her background.

Oh really?? They have 5 toes and the inside of their legs are black
Isn't it cute?! I'm so excited! I have no idea where the brown came from.... It's a white hen with a paint roo. Guess the hen has something in her background.

Oh really?? They have 5 toes and the inside of their legs are black

Whites are so unpredictable! 5 out of 6 of my silkie/cochin crossed got only 4 toes. But they all have black legs. Some blacker than others but all very dark. None light like the cochins.
Whites are so unpredictable! 5 out of 6 of my silkie/cochin crossed got only 4 toes. But they all have black legs. Some blacker than others but all very dark. None light like the cochins.
Iinteresting!! I think the Cochin may be way way back. The hen doesn't have the silkie comb but I just thought it was the rare trait they get sometimes but I'm starting to think a few lines back there was Cochin. I'm hoping their legs darken up but I still won't sell them as pure, I'd feel bad :/
@NVtoWVchickgal I thought I'd also show you my little ducklings. Doesn't look like any will be crested.
Omg they're so cute!!! I love the two blackest ones!!!
At one point I had over 70 chickens. It was just too much for right now. I had down sized to 18.... Then hens hatched chicks.... 28..... Then some in an incubator and under a other broody.... And a friend is selling two Cochin hens with some babies and how can you pass those up?! Then a guy has a pair of blue Swedish ducks and Cayuga, how do you pass those up?! Eesh.... Chicken math hit hard again here lol

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