Anyone in WV???

Hello all you WVirginians!!

We moved to Barbour Co. a little less than a year ago. We love it here. Philippi area.

We just got our first chickens less than two months ago and are in l.o.v.e.

Thanks to everyone for making this such a fantastic site. Invaluable.

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Yes, I have some nice Silver Laced Wyandottes also. These are to be the hens on my new Sex linked birds I plan to breed.

My heritage RIR's from Taterschickens are really lovely birds--even the man who did the NPIPing commented on them.


I am in Barbour cnty. too. Near Brownton. We have Salmon Favs(pullets) roo died. Glw,Welsummer,SLW, ameracana, & black sex link.
altogether 34. You're right, we love ours. Haven't had dinner b4 9 p.m. since we put them in the chicken house, It's better than t.v.
If you all get together near Clksbg let me know, I'm a realtor in Brdgpt.
Love BYC!!
HI Everybody!

I live just outside Romney in Hampshire Co. I'm happy to have found this thread and will watch it closely for news and information.

I'm usually the one that's in the dark about poultry events going on, and would like to start going to more of them. For a change I do know about the auction coming up this Sat. in Berryville, VA. There's also a Chickenstock July 10 in Ranson. I hope to meet some of you there.

Welcome from the outskirts of Bridgeport. Yeah I know its summer and the temps are getting around 90 degrees but I have a question for my fellow WV chicken friends. Since I am new to this chicken thing, what should I prepare to do for the winter. I like to look at things a few months ahead and plan for them especially since I may have to put money into it. If you look at my BYC page, you will see pics of my coop. Its not insulated but I tried to build it pretty solid. I ran electric to it before I put my girls out there and plan to build the second run later this fall. What in your opinions, should I do to make sure it is warm enough and not let my girls freeze to death. From what I have read, they will grow more feathers and down to help compensate for the cold weather. I have 3-4 inches of pine shavings and straw on the floor so if they need to they can huddle together in it to help retain heat. I know its a real trick to have a balance in the winter months, trying to keep them warm, but having a way to evacuate the ammonia from their droppings. The floor is not insulated underneath either, just 2x6 joists with 3/4 inch plywood with vinyl flooring on top. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks- Ken

Also, I think I have definately begun my chicken paraphenalia collection. I have been looking for practical items that have been used in the past. I just bought my second antique egg scale and my first egg carton. Also other parts of my collection include an old wooden chicken crate, a one dozen wooden egg crate, and an old plastic/rubberized coated wire egg basket. I think I may keep up with the old cartons since they seem to have a bit of nostalgia from the farms they came from. Have a Happy Fourth of July and God Bless.
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Welcome Neighbor! I'm right next door in Buckhannon.... We use a heat lamp in the coldest part of the winter. We have it on a timer to come on in the early morning and stay on for several hours. We use about 5" of shavings on the floor and keep the window shut. We let our birds free range - they go out in the mornings and in the coop at night. It was REALLY cold and snowy this past winter, but everyone did okay. We don't have insulation, but the coop is fairly draft-free. The birds put off some heat, so it's not terribly cold in there. I'm sure they will be fine in the winter.
Well I am getting tired of this heat. Gave the girls a variety of treats today. They enjoyed some leftover spaghetti noodles, green grapes, cottage cheese and the seeds from making homemade wild blackberry jelly today. They just devoured those seeds!!! I made sure not to give them too many because I didn't know what the effects would be if they had too much. I also had a rare experience today. I happened to be sitting on the ground with five of my girls out of the run. One of my barred rocks- Rosey- got the desire to hop up on me and stood up on my shoulder. I guess I have a redneck parrot. Lucky Me..

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