Anyone Keep Multiple Roosters Successfully?

Our flock consists of mostly bantams with a few light breeds, but we have multiple roosters and cockerels (don't ask me how many because I honestly haven't a clue - my bantam hens keep hiding nests and presenting me with more babies :lol:).

We have much older ladies who keep the young ones in line, and everyone gets along. Some I haven't introduced until 3 months old but we have more girls than they all need and they all free range on our farm (not that they stray far from their trees). Any boys that are too aggressive towards the hens are culled but I've never had any full on fights between the roosters and/or cockerels. They will spar to figure out who's boss, but once the order is established everyone just gets on with it.

I've never had a bantam rooster/cockerel be aggressive towards humans and our one light breed rooster is also trustworthy with our kids and with visitors. I love having multiple boys, so it's definitely worth trying.
I have 10 acres and my 60 females and 15 roosters are free to go where they want. The roosters do get into fights from time to time but nothing serious - just pecking order stuff. I think you’ll be alright esp since the new rooster is young - it gives him time to watch the big rooster and know his place.
4 hens per rooster is not the best ratio…
I have 10 acres and my 60 females and 15 roosters are free to go where they want. The roosters do get into fights from time to time but nothing serious - just pecking order stuff. I think you’ll be alright esp since the new rooster is young - it gives him time to watch the big rooster and know his place.
I sure hope that's how it happens! So far, my rooster has been good with the new chicks. They are almost as big as he is now - lol! They are 5 weeks old and out there full time. They are still in their section of the run, but they got some foraging time with the big flock yesterday and today. My Naked Neck is being the most hostile - makes sense as she's pretty low in the pecking order.

But my top hen intervened. And these two new ones can FLY! They have done well escaping sticky situations. Leghorns are known for that, right?
Just an update on my 2 boys:

Cayenne has started crowing and trying to mate, but he steers very clear of my older roo, Picotee. They have had no issues so far. I saw him try to mate Hyacinth (Orpington), and she shut him down. I'm hoping that he learns manners from my older ladies.

I have 10 mature laying hens, 1 pullet that is about to lay, and 5 pullets that are around 4 weeks old.

So.... so far, so good. I am cautiously optimistic. Verrrrry cautious........
I have three roosters with my eight hens (I know, I know, that's a lousy ratio, but I lost a bunch to attrition, last summer and I have two dozen eggs under a pair of broodies, so be nice, please! :oops:)
My fellas are all Nankin bantams. The youngest is only just old enough to be thinking seriously about the ladies and the flockmaster is six ... pretty old for a Nankin. He's probably not even fertile anymore. The flock's fertility rate has dropped off precipitously. I won't tell HIM that, of course. He still thinks he's all that and a bag of treats!
It's been so long since I've had a decent hatch that I resorted to shipped eggs to bring in a new line and give the flock a much needed boost. I'm hoping to get at least one nice cockerel out of the egglets, and a half dozen or so pullets. The rest already have a home lined up.
So, to make a long story short, as long as The Captain hangs on, I'll have four roosters in my coop and run. Once he's not up to the task anymore, he'll probably come inside to be the pet he thinks he is (he rides on my shoulder and walks on a leash.) That'll take me back down to three. That seems to be my magic number.
I have three roosters with my eight hens (I know, I know, that's a lousy ratio, but I lost a bunch to attrition, last summer and I have two dozen eggs under a pair of broodies, so be nice, please! :oops:)
My fellas are all Nankin bantams. The youngest is only just old enough to be thinking seriously about the ladies and the flockmaster is six ... pretty old for a Nankin. He's probably not even fertile anymore. The flock's fertility rate has dropped off precipitously. I won't tell HIM that, of course. He still thinks he's all that and a bag of treats!
It's been so long since I've had a decent hatch that I resorted to shipped eggs to bring in a new line and give the flock a much needed boost. I'm hoping to get at least one nice cockerel out of the egglets, and a half dozen or so pullets. The rest already have a home lined up.
So, to make a long story short, as long as The Captain hangs on, I'll have four roosters in my coop and run. Once he's not up to the task anymore, he'll probably come inside to be the pet he thinks he is (he rides on my shoulder and walks on a leash.) That'll take me back down to three. That seems to be my magic number.
They sound adorable!
I have three roosters with my eight hens (I know, I know, that's a lousy ratio, but I lost a bunch to attrition, last summer and I have two dozen eggs under a pair of broodies, so be nice, please! :oops:)
My fellas are all Nankin bantams. The youngest is only just old enough to be thinking seriously about the ladies and the flockmaster is six ... pretty old for a Nankin. He's probably not even fertile anymore. The flock's fertility rate has dropped off precipitously. I won't tell HIM that, of course. He still thinks he's all that and a bag of treats!
It's been so long since I've had a decent hatch that I resorted to shipped eggs to bring in a new line and give the flock a much needed boost. I'm hoping to get at least one nice cockerel out of the egglets, and a half dozen or so pullets. The rest already have a home lined up.
So, to make a long story short, as long as The Captain hangs on, I'll have four roosters in my coop and run. Once he's not up to the task anymore, he'll probably come inside to be the pet he thinks he is (he rides on my shoulder and walks on a leash.) That'll take me back down to three. That seems to be my magic number.
One of my kids had a hen she used to walk on a leash....and read books too! It's been so long since I've seen that! Your old man roo sounds adorable!

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