Anyone know? Cornish Xs & egglaying


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My CXs are doing fine, at 17 weeks old. Instead of getting more crippled as they age, they appear to be getting stronger and more agile; especially my CX cockerel.
Anyhow, the farmer that gave them to me was up here the other day and he was shocked. He said the pullets should be laying any day now. I know that they are quite developed in the comb and wattle dept., but I thought they'd be some of the last to lay. Anyone have any idea at what age a CX would start laying? He tells me these are "Cobb on Cobb" birds.
Thank you so much. So not that far off.
If you wouldn't mind another question - do they use a nestbox? I bought extra large ones with them in mind. One of the CXs is blind and I'm not really expecting her to use a box, but what about the others?
Keep it on the floor, but yes, that instinct to hide their eggs is definitely in them. Mine lays under the main nest boxes in a corner.
You are terrific! Thanks
I did some checking and figured out mine started laying at 19 weeks . [ I thought at first my 6 month old Sussex and Wyandottes were laying them ] I don't know what strain , only that they came from Schelchts . The four pullets lay three different colored eggs , two are shiney textured tan , one is little lighter tan and not as shiney , and the fourth is a chalky textured cream . The first to lay dropped them wherever she happened to be , but joined the others once they started useing the oversized nest box which is at ground level . They started as smallish pullet eggs except one who has so far layed double yokers . They will be 6 months at the end of October and are now just getting close to the " Grade A Large " size with the double yoker being too large for a regular carton . So far my two Ameraucana cockerals don't seem to be covering the big girls . I'll see if I can get some pics for you today .

I've caught one of my three CX cockerals dancing for an unreceptive pullet , and he caught one that quickly escaped LOL . The CX cockerals are penned with EE and white laced red Cornish that are the same age but not laying , Ameraucana that are a month younger , and Speckled Sussex and gold laced Wyandottes that are a month older but still not laying either .

While I keep roosts and nest boxes at ground level , one CX pullet flew over a four foot divider wall to get in another breeding pen . She limped for a day but came out of it .
Thank you so much. This information is very important to me since keeping CXs alive is not common. We are in the process of adding some very low roosts to the coop for my silkies, but so far the CXs don't seem interested in roosting. My CX cockerel Ollie has been attempting to mate for about a month now (he's 17 w.o. now) but I haven't seen him accomplish it. He never tries to mate the layer pullets, only the other CXs. I think he's too big to actually get-er-done. I think Ollie is the alpha roo in this flock, since my turken cockerel runs from him, but with Ollie not able to do much about Impy's antics, I guess it doesn't matter.
I think Ollie is the alpha roo in this flock, since my turken cockerel runs from him, but with Ollie not able to do much about Impy's antics, I guess it doesn't matter.

My largest CX took alpha position also , though all three are nearly the same size now . While the other cockerals avoided fighting with the CX , the CX are too slow to be a real threat . I removed all but the CX and while one is boss roo they never really fight , just a quick peck and the other runs away and is only briefly chased . The alpha CX is actually quite vigilant and sounds an alarm if he sees a large bird fly over . I've found these so called " frankenchickens " to have all of the chicken instincts that most domestic breeds have ; I just limit their feed . While they don't scratch much , all three cockerals use that instinct to stomp on the edge of the feed pans which tips it up and slides the feed over to the side they are standing on
. [ I use long feeders made of rain gutter plus round pans placed a few feet away to give timid feeders a place to eat that's not too close to the CX . At first the CX just used their size to push others out ; as I limited feed they started pecking the competion within a foot or so at the feeders . ]​
Good information Steve.

I force my CXs to free range. Some days they are real willing to head out the door to pasture, but some days I have to use "the evil broom". My roo is usually willing to go out and he can walk pretty far.
The only one I baby is the blind pullet. I don't force her outside in the mornings, so she gets a chance at the feeders with the others gone. I do make her go outside in the afternoons since I don't think staying in a coop 24/7 is good for any bird, even CXs.

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