Anyone know what Breed this chick maybe?

Redhead Chick

Nov 4, 2016

We added this gorgeous girl to our flock as it was running around my husband's work parking lot with a hawk after her. (there are no homes nor farms anywhere near their location.) We figure that she is "older" and was a bit rough when she came to us but she is now looking just beautiful. Have had no eggs from her and she is now the Queen of our little flock. Thanks for any help in IDing her breed.

Agree she looks like an Easter egger/mixed breed. She may well lay colored eggs for you come spring
. She sure looks healthy now. From her color, I"m thinking she may have been molting when you got her. I have some blue feathered hens where the older feathers have that brownish color, and the new feathers they just grew in are a pretty bright grey/blue, kind of like your girl. Gives them a weird look....I'm waiting to see if they match up over time or if my hens will stay vari-colored

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