Anyone know what they use to dye the chicks for easter?


15 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Sunny Southern Arizona
I'm just curious
Almost wondered if I could do it to the mutts I"m hatching for the kids for easter.
i is illegal in some places, because chicks were sold as "easter chicks" and easter chicks grow up and people tire of them. plus the chemicals can be harmful.

I read somewhere that you can dye "stain" the eggs with natural stuff like blueberry " the juices would turn the eggs a dark red. and other stuff of that nature, and since it is natural it will not harm the chicks.
I never heard of this until the other day. I was amazed to see neon green chicks. Its so sad because its got to be harmful. What do they look like when they grow up? Do they keep the color?
No they do not keep the color, they feather out like normal. You can do it with food coloring. The embryos do not have to be injected with dye.

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I just had this conversation with a girl that works with me. She is a single mom with two kids, and thinks it would be cute to have chicks for her daughters Easter basket. I even offered soem of my chicks and her statement is they need to be pink. I told her it would have to be unhealthy for the chick, and besides that she wouldn't keep them in the long run, she will probley end up with a big pink rooster running around LOL. Correction: She ill probley drop off a rooster at my house in a few weeks, and I will have a pink rooster.

Like I said, I never knew they dyed chicks until yesterday. But if I had known as a kid....oh man!! Growing up I always wanted chicks for Easter but my parents said they never knew where to find them, and what would I do with them once they grew up? Well, this now lead to me being 24, and still wanting some. In February they bought me an incubator for one of my birthday presents and I get my chicks now! They will be hatching 4 days after easter....go figure.
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They are cute, and I noticed that Ideal sells dyed chicks and ducklings. Because of that I won't buy from them. I can't see how doing that is good for the chicks. I'd rather go out and buy some yellow chicks that are naturally yellow.

I think after Easter I should put an ad on CL to take in everyone's unwanted Easter chicks, lol. Wonder how long it would take for people to tire of their Easter chicks.

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