Anyone looking for Buff Orpington Pullets? (Free MA)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Lancaster, MA
Is anyone looking for Buff Orpington Pullets. My local hatchery sells in bulk and I do not have room for a min order. If anyone has room for 2-3 let me know. Free if picked up, I am in Lancaster, MA 01523.
After all the hassle you went thru to find them, would you be willing to ship to FL?
I would LOOOOVE to take them, but I live in Minnesota. You should have no promblem finding a home for them. Good Luck.
If you would be willing to pay for shipping I wouldn't mind it. I really have no idea of what to ship them in and where to get the materials, and I would feel very poorly if one of the chicks did not make the journey.
Hartford is a little over an hour away. Would be willing to meet somewhere in between if need be. I will know delivery date of chicks tomorrow.
Did you find a home for them in Hartford? If not, I would be willing to pay the shipping. I'm in the same situation that you are with ordering from a hatchery, it is so expensive just to order a couple chicks, and I can't find the breeds I want here locally. Only RIR's. Just PM me.
Hatcheries ship day-olds because they can survive on the yolk in their stomach for 48 hours without needing to eat or drink. After the first 48 hours they will need a constant supply of food and water, and will not survive the trip without. Once they are a older they can, but please bear this in mind.
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