Anyone plant turnips?


Oct 16, 2018
South Alabama
I'm getting ready to pick some turnips. About another week. I found something growing in the edge of the garden I've never seen before. ID would be great.


Purple tops.


Small patch of Japanese turnips, collards, kale, radish and rutabaga.
I'm looking forward to a good frost to kill all that grass.


And here is the one that needs an ID. I've lived on this hill for 56 years and never seen one of these. Any help would be appreciated.
I can find photos of that plant but those sites don't tell me what they are. Frustrating. Large leaves and thorns. It is not something I recognize.

That should be recognizable if someone knows what it is, it is pretty distinctive. Two suggestions if no one on this site can help. Go to the sister gardening forum, link at the bottom of this page, and ask over there. Or contact your extension office. That photo should be enough or you can maybe take a leaf in.
Good morning from New England. I've been gardening for years and I have learned that if it has thorns it is most likely a weed. It's probably the result of some seed that blew in on the wind. Remove it carefully and keep it away from your crops. Your field looks great.
I think I figured this out for myself. Looks like tropical soda apple. An invasive plant in Florida and Alabama. I'll be getting rid of this thing before it has time to set fruit.
Never heard of that but I think you nailed it. Whatever you do, do not allow it to set fruit, it makes a tremendous number of seeds. It is a perennial, I don't know how well it comes back from root segments. Round-up is not listed as a control. If you go that route you might need a brush killer.

Good luck on eliminating it.

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