Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

ThreeGoodEggs<< yep what she said.. YOU have to fill the tank to make the car run. I have done many diets over the yrs.. lost as much as 81 lbs in 5 months. It took me a couple of yrs but I did put it all back on then had another baby... added even more pounds on... But that's another story.. You do more harm than good to your body when you don't treat it right. This time around... I am not dieting... I am not going hungry.... I am eating sensable...healthy foods.. and the weight is coming off. I have no time table... that helps take the pressure off. I am doing this for my health.. for quality of life. There is no shame in eating IF you are truly hungry...just make smarter choices.
Trouble trouble! Its exactly like the girls said.... you work hard to get it off fast, and then it all comes back! I know this is hard to swallow. I've lost about 30lbs since last September, and I know everyone thinks that is really slow, but its healthy. I've changed my diet to a 'lifestyle' and I rarely see a gain. Occasionally I cheat a day here and there, ice cream or chips or whatnot. Honestly, when I do, it has no effect on me as I eat like I should most of the time. Portion control and simple exercise that I LIKE so I'll stick with it as a lifestyle. Like I HATE push ups and sit ups and running. So I take walks, garden and weekly yoga (helps strengthen the core, no sit ups!).

I made a plan of a lifestyle I can live with, and losing the weight just tells me how healthy I'm really being.

P.s. - I bake for a living, and make jams.... so temptation is always around me. So I know the horror it can be to make such serious changes.
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Been watching that Dukan diet on Dr Oz, is that another fad going on? I really don't like the idea of losing weight so fast. I have read the book out of curiousity and it would be tough for those weak ones like me LOL!

Didn't lose a darn thing.....however I love my salads and M &M's chocolates!
I had never heard of it, just did a quick search so I don't know much, not enough to comment, but it seems like a variation on a theme of high protien low carb (atkins type). But it did seem more sensible then atkins in that you do get carbs back and they weren't so high fat as atkins. I am/have been willing to try alternative ideas for weight loss especially as a jump start or when I've platued, low carbs does work, however most people do go back to eating carbs (and should) so if the old habits aren't broken and carbs are consumed as before the weight will just come back w/ friends.

Southbeach is another sensible low carb diet, the one I prefer if I were going to do one.

I have done a round of hcg and lost and kept off 20 lbs. I will do another round of that in a few weeks, I've taken a lot of grief over it, but it has worked for me and I have the 20 lbs and 13 inches to prove it.

IMHO even the so called fad diets can work for you if you do them right. If you find something you can stick to and use it to get over certain hurdles AND when you go off them you eat healthy foods in sensible portions and increase your calories out through exercise.
my weight is the same as last week...funny how I feel like I did good on eating smaller portions more frequently, yet the scale shows no difference. I did start drinking coffee again, and I use powdered chocolate coffee mate...could be the extra calories are more than I realize, or I'm drinking more coffee than I realize. So I guess this week I'm still focusing on eating 4-6 times a day and I will still check my cffee and creamer intake. Hows everyone else doing?

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