anyone remember these old t.v. shows....

did anyone mention "HEE-HAW" ??? ,, wowz,,, i still have dreams bout that show
I work in the theatre department at a university. We did the show Oklahoma one year. During one final rehearsal I ended up speaking with this delightful woman for a long time. Rehearsal started and she was up on stage playing the banjo. I finally figured out why she looked so familiar. She's the lady from HeeHaw that always played the scraggly wife in the hillbilly scenes. You know the one that ironed and ironed and yelled at her husband? She's quite lovely in real life and just as nice as she can be. I was sooooo excited! We watched HeeHaw every Saturday night when I was growing up.
Does anyone remember 'The Travels of Jamie McPheeters'? It only ran for one season right before Bonanza.

I totally fell in love with the young 'Jamie McPheeters' ... a young unknown by the name of Kurt Russell. He got a contract with Disney after that and the rest is history.
Oh, please, I remember all of them! Sea Hunt. I Love Lucy. The Rifleman (I was in love with Lucas!). Combat. F Troop. The Ed Sullivan Show. The Art Linkletter Show. Candid Camera (the original!). The Outer Limits. One Step Beyond. I used to watch Soupy Sales on a round screened TV my father bought for my great grandmother back in Detroit - people would come over to house to watch TV back when there were, I think two channels to watch! Jeez, I am old!

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