anyone remember these old t.v. shows....

Hi sunbury chick,

I am a long way over here in the UK, but I remember most of them.

77 Sunset Strip
Big Valley
Rowan and Martin's Laugh In
The Lone Ranger
and Wagon Train
and The Man from Laramie. ( I think)
and more...
Loved them all.. showing my age

Guess the others didn't make it across the water.

i miss all the original cartoons

bugs bunny aint even the same.......
I love the old old old cartoons - like when the entire "Store" would come to life? remember those? The spoons would march with the forks!! *sighs*

Oh how about I Dream of Jeanie!! I LOVED that show! I even had the Jeanie bottle as a toy as a kid! Man...wish I still had it! If we only knew then what we know now - to KEEP our toys!
The stupid people with stupid kids destryoed the buggs bunny and road runner show. Stupid kids were running off cliffs to see if they could stop, hold up a sign, and run back. I say BB&RRS helped clear the gene pool. Stupid people shouldn't breed.

When I was a kid we only had three channels, most of the time they were ALL showing Nixon,Ford, or Carter.
Does anyone out there remember The Invaders with Roy Thinnes? Please don't tell me I imagined that show.
If I did imagine it than I think I can send my script in and make some $$$.

I love the old cartoons - The 1much - you can get the classics on DVD. Cartoons today are blech, in my opinion.
The Buster Brown Show.....Remember the commercial for Buster Brown Shoes, ("I'm Buster Brown,I live in a Shoe,my dog's name is Spot, he lives in there too.)...
I feel like I'm 100 yrs old,how about you,Opa?
Uh oh, I remember that Buster Brown commercial, how about the chocolate milk one with the basset hound? Was that Nestle? the dog says "Chooooocolate" ?
I'm only 30.... but I remember watching I love Lucy and other B&W shows. Some shows I grew up with..... Benny Hill (WHAT were my parents thinking!?), Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers(Anyone ever notice the similarity between that and Farscape?) The Hulk and so many more... guess we were more of a sci-fi family

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