Anyone remember...

Remember a brand of bubble gum that made the best bubbles. Came in a like a long stick - like a foot long and about as big around as your little finger. It was called Bubbs Daddy! I loved it and I'm sure my dentist did, too! He's probably on a yacht somewhere right now reaping the benefits of my buying Bubbs Daddy one stick at a time!
I recall our first game system was where a dot bounced back and forth and you and your friend had a line that moved up and down to block it. I see what the kids have these days and am amazed at the progress.

I never ate much colored foods expect for the flavored ice cones the *ice cream* van sold with a gumball at the bottom. I recall a few years ago green or blue ketchup!
That was pong...and if you didn't want to play it, you could play squash where you took turns hitting the square blip...

I loved Light didn't if he stepped on a peg.

We also got grapefruit flavored Tang...I think....

Remember the View Master...and we had something that was a t.v. screen with a 45 record player on the top. You fed a strip of films in a slot and as the record played, a picture would advance on the was called a Show'N Tell
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also remember leaving in the morning..playing all day and coming home just for dinner right before dark.

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