Anyone set any eggs today? I need a buddy!! Aug. 27th-30th!!!


8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
Corner Alabama
I put 5 huge eggs under my broody silkie today!!! She is actualy very nice while broody!! But I need to hatch buddies!!! Is anyone due around the same time? This is my first time hatching with a broody hen!! Let's hope it goes Better than it has with the incubator!!
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You're a little early for me, my eggs aren't due to arrive until Monday If all the eggs make it thru shipping and I have any extra that won't fit in my bator, I'm planning on using a broody. I have 4 silkies and 2 cochins broody at the moment so the girls are my backup.

Are you hatching silkies or just using the silke as your broody mom?
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I put 6 silkie eggs in today but I am a horrible ..... horrendous ..... dreadful ..... appalling ..... hideous ..... disastrous ..... I also may not be a very good ..... hatching buddy. I have tried many times and hatching with me is like someone hatching on their own ..... just worse!

I vote for Chicken Chat.
I'm with you.
I've had a 50% hatch with a LG, then 100% with a broody, then a pretty high hatch with 2 broodies sharing a clutch which they crushed all but one.
I tried 2 doz blk penedesenca eggs in my LG last week and it went haywire and fried all the eggs.
Luckily I had a Black Leghorn pullet go broody yesterday. I just swapped out her eggs when she left the nest in the last hour.
I have 11 pure Black Penedesenca, 1 Blue JG/B Pene, 1 Welsummer/B Pene, 1 Ameracauna/B Pene under her for a total of 14 eggs.
Seems like all she can fit.
Anyone think I should pull a couple?
Well she's bigger than a silkie but not as big as the Buff Orp that hatched all 13 I put under her.
Here's the Black Leghorn
and the BO
here's the eggs less the Welsummer I added later in the day that I put under the leghorn.
the eggs are much darker than shown in the bright sunlight
the three bottom ones are brown, brown and green

and the eggs that the Little Giant fried
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Hey can I be in? I just put 3 khaki campbell duck eggs and two unknown chicken eggs in my bator! I dont know how they will do together though. The two chicken eggs were suppost to be duck eggs but eneded up being chicken eggs lol.

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