Anyone set eggs this weekend?

yes, they are banties...the splash is exceptionally tiny. I am assuming that you are asking due to the amount of eggs that they are sitting on, because they have quite a few, but you would be amazed. They have the hay all rounded up and they just puff up and they all stay warm. They are all fertile and growing well. oh, and by the way, I started the 21 eggs in the incubator for a week so that I knew what was fertile and what wasn't and then moved them under the girls. So NO they weren't sitting on that many eggs. LOL. I guess that would sound like a lot! They had another splash silkie hatch today, so now we are waiting for 7 silkies, cochins or polish due any minute, 8 silkies due the 21st and I think 4 muscovy ducks due the very end of the month. They are the best moms
I just candled for my last time and upped the humidity! My windows are fogged over and I am crossing my fingers. All looks well so far. I have one little cuckoo silkie egg that was cracked in shipping and I put a little glue on it and it seems ok for now. Hope the added humidity does not melt the glue? I think it will be fine though, the crack is not through the membrane and it on the end where the air cell is. We will know in a few days I guess. I have 8 left so I hope they all hatch. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Started day 18 tonight. I pray those critters can make it. I will let you know. Hope all of your hatches go well too. I will try to keep a check. I am taking care of baby chicks from the first hatch and I have 4 baby holland lops that are 12 days old and three chicks in the coop with mom and day. So Whew!!! I am going to need a break soon and I have not built the new coop! I am going to need some nerve pills before it is over with. I am a very anxious mama.

I had another splash silkie hatch today. I guess that I was wrong, I thought that she was stealing eggs from the others, but she must have been laying all that time. It was at least a week after she was setting that she was laying. I am NOT complaining though, because she is a beautiful hen and her rooster she lives with is beautiful also. Good luck to the rest of you.
Hi all, i'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've just had so much morning sickness that when i'm not feeling like hanging out in the bathroom or on the couch, i've got to play catch up with the housework.

I can't get over how much of the eggs are full of chick now! When candleing lately, we've been able to see some feet a beaks!! I know it sounds weird, but when I break open eggs for cooking now I always feel a little sad at the thought of what could've been. They just grow so quickly!!!

It will be 3 weeks this friday that I set them, so they should be hatching then or over the weekend! It's going to be so exciting to see these kids in living color instead of with the aid of a flashlight.

How's everyone elses eggs doing? Lori?
Still waiting here. Mine will be 21 days on Wed. night. So I have stopped turning and I am just waiting. Tonight will be day 19/20 depending on how you count it. I set them on Wed. night so that should be 21 days, but some figure day 1 the next day?? So we will see. Good luck to you.

Hi Guys,

I pulled out my turner this afternoon... mine are due Friday, but last time they hatched two days early, so didn't want to risk not giving them enough still time to re-orient themselves. I candled a few, and could see chicks moving and feathers!

MM - Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. How much longer do you have to wait? Nine months would really try my patience - three weeks seems like an eternity... Hope you feel better!

-- Susan
I have my first little pip, very tiny cracks like an astrick. And I can hear a chirp. DH thinks I am crazy staring at this incubator. But I want them to hatch so badly. I will let you know. Hopefully tomorrow we will have a chick or two or more??? Keep your fingers crossed.

Hi Guys,
Been busy on this end, too. My youngest daughter is in FFA, so we had the FFA Mother's Day Rodeo yesterday, and we had to haul her and her 3 show cows to a fair, where she will stay until Sunday evening. This FFA thing is a lot of work!!!

Anyway, I'm not sure how my eggs are doing. My other daughter and I candled the other night and for the most part all we could see were air sacks and the rest of the egg was black (does that make any sense? I'm so tired right now I can hardly see straight!!!)

Day 18 is tomorrow, but I have to go out of town (to be at the fair) tomorrow and will be gone for a couple of days, then trade daughter duty with dad, then back to the fair on Friday. The hatch is due Sat, so it looks like I may miss a good portion of it.

Tonight we set up the brooder, cranked up the humidity, and plugged the air holes. We'll go ahead and turn the eggs tomorrow, but I wanted to see if I could get the humidity stabilized before I leave.

Donna Sue, I'm sorry about the morning sickness, it's not fun at all!! Not sure which is worse, that or raising teenagers!!

Marie, How are your pips coming? Are you going to stay up all night staring at them??

Susan, good luck with your hatch. I'm preparing a little early as well since our temps seemed to stay on the high side.

We're getting down to the wire now, guys!!!

Lori I hear you on the FFA thing. I was pretty active in our local chapter when I was yonger. I went to Nationals 3 years in a row for National Talent, but that was years ago when it was all held in Kansas City. I miss those days!

I candled again last night and all 15 eggs are still good and very much alive. I'll crank up the humidity in there tonight and cross my fingers.

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