Anyone set eggs this weekend?

I had another splash silkie hatch out of my clutch due the 8th...I have 3 more expected and expect them the next 3 days. I also have a clutch of 8 due monday which are also under a broody. They are doing an amazing job. I gave up on the incubator and just hope that I can keep them going and sitting on eggs. I think that one of my standard cochins might be broody now too. That would be great. I like to let them do all the work! Good luck to you all and keep us posted with any news.
The first one's here!!! She just popped out a minute ago... Yay!

-- Susan

Wow Susan!!! Can you post a pic on here for us??
What kind of babies did you say you have?
Most of mine are bantam and one is a standard size but has a bantam father. Cant' wait to see that one!
I want to see a pic of your new baby!!
News Flash:

We're up to three, with pips all over the place. My biggest worry right now is how much the three are rolling the others around, but I'm assuming that's normal, and staying out of it.

Donna Sue - I have marans, Porcelain D'uccles, Splash Rosecombs and Silkies in the incubator. So far, all of the hatch-ees have been D'uccles, but there are pips in all of the types!

I'll try to post some pictures soon!

-- Susan
Hopefully, these are pictures of the new peeps! There are pips all over the place - I'm so nervous for them...



You have a seriously fast connection!!! It took me four hours just to figure out how to get the pictures posted here, and a minute for you to see them!
Susan thanks for getting some pictures of your new babies on here for us to look at! It really gets me excited to think about what's going to come out of our eggs!! They're so cute!! They look a little tired too after all that hard work hatching.

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