Anyone setting eggs May 1st?

My silkie has 4 eggs and my incubator has 7. No clue what I'm doing so I'm going with the less is more approach.
This is Squirt!
So i candled all my eggs, and there was one with the ring of death, and 16 that were infertile, or just didn't grow, and that leaves me with 3 duck eggs, and 24 chick eggs :) although there is one which i cant find ahaha i have it wrote down on a note pad (i numbered them all) and i couldn't see it, but i didn't want to look for it for to long as the eggs were starting to cool down, so i have 27 viable eggs(not including the one i cant find ahah) due to hatch on the 20th of may :) 15 days to go :D :celebrate
I went out and marked X&O on mine so I have a clue if they are being turned at all, hopefully she is. I've got 6 days till I peek.
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Update: Broody Buff Silkie is now in the New Broody Bungalow I built her! DH picked up 4 of my hatching eggs today, too. I will set them tomorrow with her! Hopefully she will like the privacy of her new little coop and not put up too much of a stink about being moved. We moved her about 2 hours ago (in the dark) so she'll sleep there and wake up there tomorrow morning...Find food and fresh water right by her nest and not have a RIR standing over her making her growl all day long.

So I also have 3 BLRW eggs hopefully at the post office tomorrow. With these "shipped" eggs I should let them set one day to let the Air cell restabilize, correct? So I'll have these eggs, I have now, set to hatch Memorial Day and hopefully the BLRW's hatching the day after Memorial day as a staggered hatch.
Those eggs are in the mail tomorrow....

So excited....

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