Anyone up for sexing Mutt chicks?


12 Years
Jun 6, 2012
My Australorp went broody and I let her hatch 4 eggs. Stupidly forgetting I might end up with roos. I have a Rhode Island Red rooster. We now have four sweet chicks five and a half weeks old. I was hoping that by some miracle they'd be girls but strongly suspect I have 3 roos on my hands.
Any thoughts on the below picts?

I am braced for the worst!

THey move fast so it's a challenge to get photos.
The first two are of the one that's a mix of RI Red and Dominique. (Barred rock?)

These next two are of RI Red and, again, either Barred Rock or Dominique

This one is Beatrice. I'm pretty sure she's a girl. Australorp and RI Red

This one is Cochin Partridge and RI Red.

Sorry the photos are so distant.And it looks like a number of them aren't showing up. Oh dear. I guess the mystery will continue!

My Australorp went broody and I let her hatch 4 eggs. Stupidly forgetting I might end up with roos. I have a Rhode Island Red rooster. We now have four sweet chicks five and a half weeks old. I was hoping that by some miracle they'd be girls but strongly suspect I have 3 roos on my hands.
Any thoughts on the below picts?

I am braced for the worst!

THey move fast so it's a challenge to get photos.
The first two are of the one that's a mix of RI Red and Dominique. (Barred rock?)


These next two are of RI Red and, again, either Barred Rock or Dominique

This one is Beatrice. I'm pretty sure she's a girl. Australorp and RI Red
This one is Cochin Partridge and RI Red.

Sorry the photos are so distant.And it looks like a number of them aren't showing up. Oh dear. I guess the mystery will continue!

How old are they?
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Five and a half weeks. The first two are the same chick so maybe I have a 50/50 chance of it being a pullet!?
Now to figure out what to do with the little ones. Big Red will not deal with competition. He already complains daily--as do the hens--that there aren't enough hens for him. . . ;-(
Five and a half weeks. The first two are the same chick so maybe I have a 50/50 chance of it being a pullet!?
Now to figure out what to do with the little ones. Big Red will not deal with competition. He already complains daily--as do the hens--that there aren't enough hens for him. . . ;-(

Oh, from the first picture it looked like his/her comb was redder than the second picture. What color comb does he have, is it more yellowish pink or pinkish red? From the second picture I think that I would say pullet.
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If your only rooster is a red, and the hen was a barred rock or Dominique, those first chicks are sex linked males. A non-barred male over a barred female gives barred male chicks and non-barred female chicks. I think Beatrice is a sex link female from the same cross, she has the classic sex link coloring. Regardless of who her momma is, she's female. The last bird is male.
Okay,so because hope springs eternal, I am going to hope that because the first one has lighter pink crown, she will be Claytonia. It the sex linked thing turns out to be true, with a heavy sigh he will be Chekhov.

The 2nd is clearly male, sad to say, and so, as son of Ping will be Pong unless deemed significant Dante.

The Third being Beatrice.

The fourth, argh, has always been a boy, Cornelius.

Now to read up on how little roos get along with their fathers long term and how many hens I'd need . . .


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