Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

Hi you don't wash it. I spot clean daily with a slotted rake just to pick up the poop. You don't have to clean it that often I just find it disgusting to let my chickies step in their poop. I rake their enclosure every other week just to keep it even. They love to scratch it up and roll in it. My enclosure is covered so it doesn't get wet in the enclosure and coop. Sand dries out the poop quickly so much nicer than it getting stuck in the hay or shavings. I also sprinkle diatomaceous earth food grade in the coop and enclosure and there is no odor at all.
Thanks, kschicks2013! I have heard of people washing their sand every 1-2 years and thought that would be an awful job. Glad it isn't necessary. I rake/scoop mine out every weekend and is only a 10-20 minute job and it seems like it stays pretty clean, but wasn't sure if the poop broke down as they run/peck around in it.
I have 6 girls about 23-24 weeks old (3 EE's, 1 adorable dominique, 1 barnavelder, and 1 silkie/giant jersey mix). My run is 7x15, so not hard to manage with cleaning. I just find that this time of year, I have to leave for work around 7 and get home after dark, so the weekend is the only time I can do it in the light. But with only 6, it isn't too bad. They also get out into the fenced in garden area to eat and poop during the weekend, so it is fertilizing my garden for spring AND saving me clean up in the coop and run.
If you're raking them out, it's no big deal to throw them in a compost pile..
Fresh droppings shouldn't go directly to a garden

If your run is NOT covered, and it's NOT overcrowded, there's seldom a need to rake anything out at all

The birds scratch around and break up the droppings, and rain washes it into the soil

There is no REAL "composting" going on in your coop, because it requires high moisture levels,
and it needs to be deep enough to generate it's own heat
Ever once in a while I put a little pile of straw in there just to let them "unpile" it. Chickens can't stand a pile of anything.! After they strow it around a while, then I will use my little rake and clean out the run..putting it all in the compost. In the winter time it helps with their boredom problem...
Hi I am building a 20x12 run and using sand. The ground is flat and don't notice puddles but I don't want soggy sand. Doesn't it take long to dry? And when you speak of drainage what do you use? I have sand in my coop and small attached run which is covered so I never had to worry about it getting wet.
...The ground is flat and don't notice puddles but I don't want soggy sand. Doesn't it take long to dry? And when you speak of drainage what do you use?...

If you keep the sand above the surrounding area then the sand will drain naturally by gravity.
Because of this site, I decided to try sand this year. Had 6 yds of clean sand delivered. Put it in my run about 3 inches deep.
It has proven to be really great. Drains very well. I use an iron rake and leaf rake to clean any "debris" that accumulates.
The Speckled Sussex scratch and love it. Make nest spots that when I clean I level out.

I'm entering my first Winter with the sand run. The sand has proven to be good when clearing the snow that blows in.
You know you are OK when the gray sand shows shoveling.

Good Luck with the Chicks.

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