Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

This is huge compaired to how I was just 2 years ago. I won't even say how much I weigh now but I will say 2 years ago I was 140 at 5'9" and very healthy. I'm NOT healthy now. This picture is me standing up, I wouldn't dream of posting a picture of me sitting down and letting y'all count the rolls.
Southernchick, YOU LOOK GOOD, I would be happy to get down to that. But, getting in shape is ALWAYS a great thing. 10 lbs can come from the enire body, keep at it.
Okay, i'm in. i have about 40 to lose. i eat relatively healthy, my problem is i eat too much, and I HATE exercise!!!. i figure just working around the farm here should be exercise enough. I have hypothyroid, too, plus arthritis, and really bad feet, so I have some obstacles. So what's the game plan, or is there one?
Up and on the treadmill and sweating this morning before I took the kid to the park. Only a half hour, but with the heat it is something. I have stopped cutting through the paddock fence to feed in the afternoon. Usually I just duck through the electric fence. But then she took it off the solar charger and put it on a plug in, so the zap is now a real ZAP! So now I have to walk up a slight hill to get in and then back up the hill to get back out. She told me to just go in the barn and unplug it, but I would probably forget to plug it back in. Plus, the extra steps arent going to do me any harm *knock on wood*
Darn ya'll, I can't excercise today. I woke up SO SICK and it's my b-day. I would much rather feel good and do a work out. 3 lbs went away last week though. I'm just now getting up to look at the computer. Going back to bed now, good luck to everyone today. Talk to you tomorrow.

Happy Birthday "June bug", I just had my birthday on Saturday- it was a start to a new year, for you too! Yippie.

What I'd like to say sounds like I am giving a few of you a hard time, I don't mean it like I say it, but I live in a morbidly obese body. I still push away from the table, I walk, mow lawns by hand and take care of the house, outside and haul different piles of "stuff" off the property that my dad (that has passed on) and my brother kept coming home with for the "Incase I need it pile"...that day never came.
My point here is that as you talk about yourselves, its such a negative, I have rolls- so do I. I guess its a matter of accept yourself, acknowledge your issues, but don't down yourself.
I, looking at pics of myself, my DH says that those people who can only see me as the outside are missing the real gem. I can accept others faults, but not my own.
What it is, please don't put yourself down, your friends and family are more forgiving then what you think. The last ones to critisize me is my chickens and its really an awsome thing.
So as today goes, think positive. I actually was part of a group study (we did this) and place your hand on your tap water or water bottles, think positive things, be it, accomplishing goals during the day, or sending love to your kids/DH. Don't let them know that you have been doing it and see just how things seem to change. It is interesting.
Many blessings, positive light and finding that gem within yourself. We are all special.
I don't want to say stop improving, but somedays moving forward is by allowing others to see us for who we are. Speaking of which, here I am. (note; you don't get to see the rest of me)
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Spook, what a wonderful affirming message. I wish you happiness and good health, and a little bit of help tending your property would be nice too, right?
Spook. that was such a nice message. Thank you so much for it.

Missouri chick - I hope you feel better soon. There is nothing worse than a summer cold.. except for one on your birthday. Happy Birthday!

I have refilled my water bottle twice today. Better than my norm or not at all. Breakfast was shredded wheat cereal. Lunch was leftover pasta salad and grilled chicken. And I think dinner will be bbq'd hot sausage that I just defrosted. Extra will go into a pasta sauce for later. Honestly. It's so hot out. I dont know if I will even bother eating dinner tonight> I might just make a smoothy and have that

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