Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

OK, I'm going to sneak in... I just found this thread, so I'm jumping on the wagon a few days late.

I have quite a bit of weight to lose, and I got a good start earlier this year when the hospital system I work for had a "Biggest Loser" competition. I was picked as a member of one of the five 10-member teams. We were given a 3 month gym pass to the Fitness Centers on each of our hospital's campuses, each team had a personal trainer that worked out with the group once a week, and a dietician that met with us once a week. I lost 29 pounds in 3 months, and my team won the competition. But I have fallen off the wagon a bit, and gain back about 4 pounds. So I need to get back into the swing of things.

I got myself off of the cokes again, sticking with iced tea and water mostly. I also stopped snacking during the day at work. I eat breakfast EVERY morning, and keep my evening meal as light as possible.

As far as work outs, I hate the gym, but I ordered a great "thing" to ride while my son rides his bike. It's called a Trikke, and it's like a scooter, with 2 platforms in the shape of a ^ for your feet, and tall handle-bar. You stand on it, and use a rocking, leaning motion to make it move. it's like cross country skiing, kind of. I'm still getting the hang of it, really, but it's lots of fun. You can check it out at the Trikke website if you are curious.
WillsMama, gaining back 4 lbs out of 29 isn't that bad. You are catching the "upward trend" in plenty of time. You'll be fine. Keep up the stellar work!
Critter Hill, sounds like you need a somewhat agressive, more challenging workout than yoga or dance aerobics. (Um, sabre fencing... wow.)

People do need to find a workout or several workouts that fit their personality in order to stick with a fitness goal.

I tried a yoga tape from the library a few years ago, and knew it wasn't for me when I kept fast-forwarding it to get to the "action" part. (There wasn't one...)
Thanks Buff.. I'm glad for the support again. It makes all the difference.

My cousin is starting to teach this salsa style dance workout class.. I am thinking about checking it out too.. sounds like fun.. I will let you guys know what it's called as soon as I check with her again.

Gonna go from this

To this

Critter hill honey, your baby will be in my thoughts every day. Seeing children suffer is not an easy thing to deal with. PLEASE keep us up to date. Remember to take care of your self also. I know that is easier said that done, but you will be needed.

Willsmama, whoo hoo on the weight loss and for trying again!!!!!! One step at time.
Thanks so much for the support. I will drop a note into this thread when I hear something.

We will be ok. All of the possibilities are short term things, just a little scary and overwhelming because she is immune suppressed. But it should be ok. The arthritis we deal with one step at a time. We are seeing the best pediatric rheumatologists in the country and as they told me last time, this type of RA will not shorten her lifespan, it will not stop her from going to college, getting married, having a career, or having babies. So as far as pediatric diseases go, it is one you can live with. There are a lot of good drugs out there and a lot more being developed.

Ok, deep breath. Gotta go stop her from trying to drown her sister in the bath now!

And I will at the very least do some crunches tonight! Maybe take a walk in the dark woods after DH gets home. Promise!
Here's an idea if you are earth-friendly minded, but hate exercising:

Go for a nice long walk and bring a plastic bag with you. The key here is - you're NOT EXERCISING - you are picking up litter, reducing pollution and saving the environment!

See? It's all how you look at it...

(That's what I did this morning, and I got a double-good feeling from it, so I know it works.)
I agree with Buff - There is PLENTY of stuff you can do that affects you aerobically. I do the "walking/litter-pickup" thing about 3 times a summer, and it turns into quite a wortkout. there's also picking up branches, mowing, washing siding, no end to "non-workout" things you can do.

Of course, it all has to be supplemented by fairly-well-controlled eating habits...
I want to join!!!!!

Dh and i are going away the weekend of August 8. It's our 13th anniversary. It's also the first time we will be away from the kids.

I would like to lose about 20 lbs before we go. I have alot more than that to lose but this will be a good start.
Thanks so much for the support. I will drop a note into this thread when I hear something.

We will be ok. All of the possibilities are short term things, just a little scary and overwhelming because she is immune suppressed. But it should be ok. The arthritis we deal with one step at a time. We are seeing the best pediatric rheumatologists in the country and as they told me last time, this type of RA will not shorten her lifespan, it will not stop her from going to college, getting married, having a career, or having babies. So as far as pediatric diseases go, it is one you can live with. There are a lot of good drugs out there and a lot more being developed.

Ok, deep breath. Gotta go stop her from trying to drown her sister in the bath now!

And I will at the very least do some crunches tonight! Maybe take a walk in the dark woods after DH gets home. Promise!

Critter, wow, it makes me sad to see children go through things like this. I have 3 types of arthritis am on the methotrexate, remicade (IV every 5 weeks and takes hours), seizure meds for pain control, plus the pain meds and tylenol. Its not easy, that is for sure. BUT, what most doctors will not acknowledge is that red meat, processed foods and food colorings and I will show it on the C-RP. My inflammation levels will increase and I will get soar and the fatique is horrible.
One thing that works for me (I can only describe this in my own terms as we are SOOO different) is soy. The doctor I go to says yes, people are affected by what they eat, when you find something is good, stick to it, if you find what makes you feel bad, stay away from it. My sis-in-law actually cannot tolerate soy or any lentals for that matter. None!
I had a hot dog today, that will be enough to drive me off the edge, but it was what I wanted and its my own fault.
Having autoimmune problems leave me avoiding colds and public places when its flu season as a common cold could become something so much worse with a weaker system. Hand washing and being a bit paranoid is the key. I don't know how you are going to do it with a child- god bless you.
If you have any questions about Alkylosing Spondilitis, Psoriatic Arthritis (with pustulare psoriasis), and Fybromyalgia (caused by chronic pain) feel free to ask me. I do not mind sharing.
You have to live each day with pushing yourself and learning to laugh at yourself!~Kel

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