Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

You may not be able to move it move it move it right now, lol, you will make up for it soon enough! Try to do some light lifting, cans from the cupboard while cooking dinner, then you won't loose your strength when it comes to building fences! UGH, hope you have a tractor to pound those in!
You may not be able to move it move it move it right now, lol, you will make up for it soon enough! Try to do some light lifting, cans from the cupboard while cooking dinner, then you won't loose your strength when it comes to building fences! UGH, hope you have a tractor to pound those in!

LMFAO, not even! Raw man power oh yeahhh. PLUS, in Ontario you can't for the life of you find poundable posts, we have to dig and put them in LOLLL... we're getting a guy with a digger on his tractor though to do that portion, the rest is going to be INTERESTING work, we have like 300 rails to put up, and about 3 acres of electric fencing to do.

Well, the good news is that I stepped on the scale today (wasn't going to, but I did) and I dropped 2 pounds this week!

Also, folks asked me to update them about my daughter. We still haven't gotten the Lyme test back yet, but her rheumatologist told me today that he wanted her rechecked by her regular pediatrician because I mentioned that the rash was changing appearance.

Her regular ped said it really, really looked like a lyme rash and since I have pulled a dozen deer ticks off her in the last month and she is immune suppressed, she wanted to start treatment for lyme even if we didn't have a positive test back.

She also said that she thinks DD is fighting a prolonged course of coxsackie virus on top of this. The spiking fevers and mouth sores started 2 weeks ago. Apparently it is not unusual for coxsackie to drag out this long in an immune suppressed child.

So I feel better that we are doing everything we can - I was nervous about the prospect of waiting another 4 days to start treatment if it was lyme. Now we just wait for her to start getting better.

ETA - She also didn't see any swelling in her joints, so the elevated tests may be from everything she is fighting off and not her RA. Though we may see her rheum next week for a joint check just in case.
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whoooo hoooooo,,,, noticed weight loss in my tummy today. I tell ya what gals and guys, if this girl can do it ANYONE CAN. I was so glad dh was not home yet, cause this chick was shouting.
Been this way for way tooooo long, it's turning around. Motivation hit another level.

To those of you who posted that you over came challenges, well whoo hooooo to you too. We are doing it one little step at a time. I'm very proud of us chickadees

Tell pain, jiggling, cravings, being tired, and all the other bad stuff to

The small little movements really do make a difference. Adding just 15 minutes of extra yard work a day has helped me. Plus, I've noticed that when I'm more active I think less about food and crave less. Water water water is keeping my belly full and refreshed.
Good job resisting the Evil Yellow Arches!

McDonalds is a funny thing, after I've eaten there I always feel ill, but when I'm hungry it sounds sooooooooo good!

Well, these last couple days I've finally been doing it -- getting off my rear-end to get some exercise! Yesterday morning I jogged 3 miles. This morning I jogged 3 miles, and after dinner, since hubby home, I put Sam in the jogging stroller and walked/jogged another 3 miles!

My legs are sore from the sudden return to running, but it feels awesome to finally be making a move to get back in shape.
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3 miles at a time. WOW!! That is great. There is no way I can run 1/4 mile right now. Maybe by this time next year. No not maybe,,,,,I'll be able to.

I craved cornbread, beans and ham for 4 days. I figure if the craving wasn't going away I'd better induldge. MMMMMM, went to cracker barrel. Yes, part of me felt guilty the whole time. OHHHHHH, it was great and the craving is gone. I'm gonna have to kick it into high gear today.
Great Job everyone. How exciting it is to hear of everyones goals...I have slipped up for over a week now, trying to get back on my Herbalife products. Not sure what it is about food, besides being an over eater, I'd rationalize eating instead of having a shake...that makes me feel super good.
DH brought home some chips, that led to more chips..just this bag...oh, ok, you can have chips for your sandwich...but they are in the house and I cannot resist.
MAN OH MAN, when can I clear my head and do good for my bod?
Anyways, going to the super market today, potatoes, soy powder, and that is it. We have all the veggies, fruit and yogurt in the house...just need to make good for us food.
Tomorrow I will only have good things to say, but in the mean time, Great job for keeping up your pace folks!
-bounces up and down excitedly- ME ME ME!

Of course, during the MissPrissy thread, I lost like, 15 pounds.

Then I gained almost half of it back. We had family down so we went out to eat alot, lost momentum, and it all went downhill from there.

So yes, I'm game.

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