Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Hey spook, good to hear from you. We ALL have our slip ups, it's ok. Try try again. I'm sure all that salty ham and beans with cornbread didn't do me any good at all.

Lunch today is going to be chicken on the grill. (just don't tell my girls outside. That is one food I don't tell them I eat. lol)

New chick, come on, we'll help you get back down
I can cross my LEGS!!!!

I havent been able to comfortably cross my legs in several years. This morning I was sitting on the couch and then suddenly realized I had my legs crossed. I called my husband into the room to "show" and then began crying. Oh and my glasses arent fitting my face anymore. They are too loose!! I put them on last night after I took my contacts out, so that I could watch a bit more tv before hitting the rack and they are pretty much falling off my face. I havent worn them in nearly a month. I have been wearing my contacts or just my Rx sunglasses.

spook- it gets that way in my house when the husband does the food shopping and takes the kid with him. Chips and more chips. I have convinced him to stop getting potato chips though and to pick up low/no salt corn chips and salsa instead. Oh and we only get soda once every two weeks. Other than that it is drink mixes(Since I cant drink plain H2O unless I am on the treadmill dripping sweat.)

Anne- I am the same way with Mc D's My daughter loves their chicken selects. But the only thing I can eat there are the salads, the fruit and walnut salad and that snack sized yogurt cup.

Missouri chick- giving into the cravings isnt a bad thing as long as you dont do it ALL the time. A occasional dinner out is better for your "diet" in the long run. That way you dont end up feeling as though you are depriving yourself. It's more a mind game thing I think.

TheNewChick- Welcome!. We are here to support and cheer ya on!

Chick a dee- ohh a new dressage saddle! How fun!
I would kill to be able to get a chance to even lunge my boy at htis point. But time is so short. I did spend over an hour grooming him yesterday afternoon though. His coat is nice, slick and shiny and my arms, shoulder and calf muscles, because I have to stand on my tip toes to brush his back, got a work out
Well, the weekend was a total loss diet wise. We had a "work party". A dozen people came over to help mix and pour concrete and get the run built for the chickens.

Of course that meant I had to feed them all, grilled food, chips, deserts. And now I have leftovers :eek:

I was doing so well. I am going to have to just bring the leftovers in to work tomorrow and abandon them in the lunch room with an "eat me" sign.

We did get all the cement done though! Woo! We cemented all around the base of the fence - 4000 pounds of concrete dry before mixing the water in. I am SO glad we had so much help!

My daughter by the way, is on the third day of antibiotic treatment for suspected lyme and has made a complete turn around. This was the first day she was able to walk without a limp - Friday, she wasn't able to walk at all. And her rash is clearing up. First day in a long time for her without pain killers.

I am so happy.
R&Smom, OHHHHHHHH, I'm so proud of you!!!
I know that must feel wonderful!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work and thanks for the encouragment.

Critterhill, I'm VERY releived (as I know you are) about your daughter. That is better new than weight loss.

If you did all that work this weekend, then you are not at a total loss. That kind of work burns off calories. It all probably evened out.
Rhett & Sarah's Mom, that must feel wonderful! Good job & congratulations!

Well, I've decided that Mondays are my "weigh-in" day, and I'm pround to announce that I've lost exactly 2 lbs since last week.

Didn't get to go for a run this morning, but hopefully I'll have time after work.
I am not that overweight, but I could certainly lose a few vanity pounds. People think I weight like 100, but I am 130 [5',5'' about, big boned] I wish I was 115 so bad. Hopefully I will get to that goal by summers end. Good luck to everyone!!
Just to update folks who asked about my daughter. Her lyme test came back positive. Odd that I am relieved - that is something we can treat! Also, lyme can elevate her arthritis panel so that means it is less likely her arthritis is flaring.

She is feeling better after 3 days of antibiotics. Well enough to go to school today.

The diet on the other hand, is toast since Saturday's party. My coworkers took me out to lunch today to the local pub (they seemed to think I needed a beer after the past week of stress). So I ate beer and steak for lunch. Now I am trying not to fall asleep at my desk!

Restarting my dieting efforts now. And my husband seemed to think he could get home in time for me to get to the gym tonight.
Well, the past couple evenings I've started walking my normal 2-mile route again, eating smaller portions, trying not to eat as much salt...drinking mostly water and tea....the usual.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

I can cross my LEGS!!!!

Isn't that the best??? And when you can walk in short in hot weather and not have the shorts ride up between your legs! When I was at my heaviest, I hated those two things - not being able to cross legs and wear shorts comfortably. I didn't even realize it was that bad until I lost the weight. It's worth the work to lose weight.

I myself am having a potential smart-eating failure this afternoon. I got angry at someone, and my first instinct when I'm wicked angry is to eat. A lot. Or drink. Thank goodness I'm stuck at my office desk, forced to retain composure. Hope I get my act together before I get home where there is food and wine!​
Hah! At least your coworkers aren't enablers like mine! Taking me to the bar at lunch time! Sigh...

I bought an iced tea maker 2 weeks ago. I am finding that by making a couple quarts in the morning and leaving the pitcher out on the counter during the day, I am more likely to grab another glass of tea when I wander through the kitchen than a bite to eat.

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