Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Hey everyone it's been awhile since I last posted. I went on my trip to Montana and was unable to log on from my Mom's computer for whatever reason. I didn't get to walk as much as I wanted to because it rained the whole time BUT I did go up and down her stairs about 12-15 times a day. I didn't seem as hungry up there for some reason which was a good thing. Soon we will be remodeling and I've got lots of carpet, tile and cabinets to remove. It's hot here so I'll be sweating a bunch I'm sure. I haven't weighed myself lately though. I'll do it here soon.
Well i am about to step onto the treadmill here.

I got a nice surprise yesterday though. I was digging through my underwear draw for a clean bra and pulled out a white one and put it on. Took it off last night and looked at the tag/size. It is a 40 D And it FITS!!!

I thought I was putting the other ones I have on the closer hooks because they were getting old and stretching out!!! Nope. I have lost a few inches up top as well!!!!
OHHH great job. I haven't been as strong the last few days. Well, I did ok, but not good enough. My energy level still isn't back up to full strength after last week. How can so much mucas come from one head. Ewww, sorry I know that is grooooooose.

I wish about 30 lbs would just hop off over night. I know I didn't put it on over night, but I'm getting impatient that it isn't gone. I don't eat fast food as much and I can tell my tummy has shrunk. I can't eat as much as a few months ago. The folks in my family can eat big. I wish I had it in me to exercise more. That would be my biggest success. I guess it's a slow progression also. The more lbs off the easier it will be and the less it'll jiggle. I HATE that feeling.
Ok, you know what my downfall was last night? Hershey kisses. We have a huge giant bag of them because my 2 year old is potty training (yes, I bribe with food, so sue me).

Today should be better. I am SWAMPED at work. No time to snack!

Speaking of, I gotta get off the forum and GBTW!
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I did it a couple of months ago, and by gosh, I'm gonna do it again.

Walked again yesterday. Gonna double my rounds today.

Currently drinking a cup of hot, orange tea with two teaspoons of sugar, which is two teaspoons too much. Bleh.
S'okay. I'm wondering the same thing. All was well until a bushhogged yesterday and day before. Now my head is clogged up and my eyes are kinda swollen.

Lovely, right?

Anyway. Back on topic. Food, and the smaller portions thereof.

Personal victory... I did not stop this morning and buy any junk food!! I did get a chicken biskit from McDonalds.. but chicken is good for you.. so that's ok!


Now I have to get my hiney motivated to walk at lunch, instead of sitting at my desk on BYC!
Horay for everybody on this page of the thread!!! Really, it is so encouraging to hear other people's successes, it makes possible success more real.

I borrowed a friend's weight training DVD and tried 28 minutes of it this morning before work. I'm still standing.

Every little bit counts, whether it be the wrong foods, or EXERCISE!
Missouri Chick- I was like that for three weeks. Got to a point where I was nearly falling off the treadmill I was so out of it. I finally gave up and had to take time off from walking I just could not breath.

I actually had to take a nap yesterday. I dont know if it is the pollen or something going around, but I was just SO tired.
R&s mom, Thanks,,,I need to hear that. Sounds like you are doing great. Much better than me,,,,ok,,,I'll go get the gazel out and sweat some. I gotta get the jiggles off.

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