Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Wow guys you are all doing so great the little victories as well as the big ones. As for me I've managed to increase my activity and lose a little over 3 inches in 2 weeks. I've tried very hard to limit my snacking as well. Keep up the good work!
Regarding doing 30 minutes on an exercise bike, that's is terrific!

It's always good to start any cardio activity in small amounts the first few weeks. Like the first day you get on the bike (or go for a fit-walk), do 5 to 10 minutes, then the same the next day. Then the next week, do 15 minutes at day. Then the week after that, you will find that 20 or 25 isn't so bad. Your small successes will make you proud and motivated!

You can avoid boredom by splitting your cardio workout into two or three activities. I sometimes start by doing 10 minutes on the bike, then switching to an exercise tape for 15 minutes, then finishing by going outside for a fit-walk. This method also involves more of your body parts, and thus, burns more calories!

My friend dragged me out for a fit-walk this morning. Her route took ONE HOUR! Almost killed my feet! But, I'm still standing, and looking forward to my weights workout tomorrow morning.

Success builds more success. Keep with it!
I have been running everyday. I work on speed work which is good. I also have been lifting most days.I have already slimmed down a little bit.
I hate to ask this...but are you eating enough? This is where I have a problem, I cannot lose weight unless I eat enough of the right things to give me the energy to burn cals. No woman should be below 1200 cals.
I understand perminately fat, join my side of the forum, but may I add, if your moving, walking at any speed, eating foods that are healthy, then you can atleast say you are doing good for your body and that is half the battle.
So each morning when you get up, inhale deeply and push out the door for chores and live a life that is content and positive.
Have a great day and many blessings to you!
Great job everyone!!
I'm a little pms'y, so I broke down and had something yummy for lunch. There is this little place in Clarkesville called Chicago's pizza. If ANYONE is from this area, you really need to go. Everything is handmade--breads, sauses, meatballs, cheese cake. YES, I said cheese cake. It was wonderful. It's so good that I don't even really like pizza hutt any more. Back to lean quizines tonight and tomorrow.

Hey willsmama, I've had that protein water. I love it. the pink lemon aid is my favorite. 5 grams protein and fiber in every packet.
I've eaten nothing, and I mean nothing but fresh tomatoes all day, of various sizes...I've consumed about six. And half of a small cucumber. A sliver of cornbread, about six Lays potato chips...and I think a corndog...or was that yesterday? Oh well. Either way. More tomato and cucumber about to be consumed, then off for my walk.

Gotta come back and push the crunches, though. SOMEONE COME MAKE ME!
I want to join this thread! I gained after my boyfriend and I split up this spring and it was not good! I lost about 5 lbs since then already -- mostly by eating more whole grains and less meat. Also, by not eating a huge dinner. I'm trying to eat a big breakfast and lunch, and then just a small dinner like a salad.

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