Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Critter & Buff,
That is so interesting... what both of you say sort of backs up what I was thinking. I'd like to get a scale and check it once a week, but I'm not sure I wouldn't be getting on it every day "just to check". I can see how stepping on a scale might ruin the day. When I was in Weight Watchers 2 years ago, I noticed that how "fat" I was feeling had little correlation to my weight loss. sometimes when I felt "fat" was the week I'd lose 3 lbs. Go figure.
Also, feeling "fat" can have a lot to do with how much salt you consumed the day before. Good ol' bloating can ruin your day!
o.k. guys,here's the scoop. I've been using this system for 3 days and we met yesterday and weighed. I really wasn't expecting much because I started later than the rest of the group. Would you believe that I lost almost 5 lbs in those 3 days?! I was floored. Now I know that some of it was due to the fact that I am now drinking water as I should,but it's still good! This is so easy and I don't feel the least bit deprived. I have not had pure sugar in 4 days now and I don't miss it at all. It's about time for snack time and I'm going to have a nice juicy peach. It's glycemic load is only 5. Yum!
buff and critter, you are exactly right. I'm wearing pants that I couldn't fit into a few months ago, even a couple weeks ago. the scale really didn't move much though.

Personally I need the scale a little. Water, time of month, and amount of muscle put on will make the scale higher. SO, knowing that I have a pair of pants falling off and now into smaller ones is making a bigger difference in motivation.

Buff, way to go on bike ridding. I'm very impressed!!!

ginasmarans, awsome!!!!!

chickenannie I KNOW you can do it.
i think the scale thing is personal preference. I use my scale several times a week and it helps me to get a jump on things if i gain a little bit before i notice my clothes fitting differently. Also I have a problem with swelling in my leg and i can tell when im starting to retain water. My friend however prefers to measure every week or 2 to keep track.
Oh man, I was doing so well. And then, tonight while trying to round up my kids for bed, well, I was a little distracted. I poured a glass of milk from the new organic half gallon of milk I had bought.

"Wow, " I thought, "What are they feeding those organic cows! Man have I been missing out. This milk is great! Why didn't I try this stuff earlier?"

Then I looked at the container. I had just drank a whole glass of half and half! :eek:

Ok, maybe not a whole glass. I had only poured a couple inches, but still! That was my calorie allotment for the day, I think!
I am the same way! I have little to suggest, other than to plant a lot of chewy, healthy foods around that you can crunch to your hearts content. I like those bags of little baby carrots -- The crunching away is satisfying and it's very low cal. Or Kashi cereal -- tastes good and some of them are very low cal.

What helps you?
I HATE carrots, lol no baby carrots for me. What helps me the most is going on line, for some reason I don't eat while typing, I can lose my thoughts about FOOD while typing. You'd think that would be the same with reading, but no.... I made a huge bowl of popcorn tonight and ate it all! Could have been worse though, only followed ith with 2 licorice sticks. Stopped before I raided the fridge of that chocolate bar in there!

I have had some success though, hadn't waeighed myself in a month 'cause it's depressing, but the "fat" shorts seemed looser so I got on the scale.

FOUR POUNDS had gone away. :eek: One more and I'm halfway to my first goal of 10 pounds (I'll deal with the rest later).

So WHY did I sabotage myself tonight? Just because I felt slighted by my in-laws????!!!!
swamp ducks, it's ok to have a little no no. Having it once in a while is kind of like stoking a fire. You have to fool your body once in a while. Good job on the 4 pounds!!!

critter hill, I'm a milk-aholic. Can't keep away from the stuff. My main 2 beverages in life are milk and water.
Evenings are the worst for me. I can eat a decent breakfast, lunch, and even dinner, but usually I start snacking as I'm making dinner, then even after dinner, I keep snacking. The only thing that saves me is that I got rid of my TV and also these long daylight hours when I'm in and out of the house doing chores, taking care of my garden, etc., but I do get evening cravings all the time. I need to lose about 75 - 85 lbs (but I'm 5'11" tall, so it's not quite as bad as if I was 4' 11"). I lost 25 lbs in Weight Watchers, but gained about 15 of it back over the past 2 years.

What do others do with evening cravings?

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