Anyone want to watch a box turtle lay an egg?

Feb 14, 2021
I went outside to plant tomatoes. What I found was an episode of Nature happening right in the front yard! I only planted two tomatoes that evening before dusk because of this box turtle. In case anyone else wants to watch... here's one of the eggs being laid out of a total of seven or eight:

**edited to add: I somehow posted the full-length video instead of the cut version. The actual laying of the egg starts at 1:45. I let the video go for a long time because I missed two eggs being laid and didn't want to miss this one. 😅

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Very cool.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Thanks for posting this, and I hope you get the rest of your planting done (I would have stopped, too!).

Me too, I have half the garden to go. The electric company hired someone to cut a tree down that was too close to the line, and when they took it down, the tree fell into the garden. Every chunk of it they cut from the top. So I can't plant there until I clear it which will take a while. 🤪

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