Anyone watching/listening to the news?

Just my 2 cents ( the copper is worth more than the coin), but maybe this is good, as in a reality check. Things have been so inflated. Maybe it's time we live more within our means, as in " if I can't pay for it, I can't have it".
want to know bout loans??,, ask china and russia,,, they could break us in a minute,,, and just a few months ago during the russia/gorgia problems, we were told by russia if we stuck our nose in it, they would call in their loan to us,,,,we didnt get into it,, and china has even MORE power over us then russia.
* You're missing it-- It ain't MONEY that makes the world go 'round anymore. . . It's CREDIT. Nearly every corporation lives on it and does business on it. They buy their inventories, pay their employees and their invoices with it. . . SO DOES OUR GOVERNMENT. THE 7OO BIL BAILOUT ALSO A CREDIT LOAN!!
d.k :

* You're missing it-- It ain't MONEY that makes the world go 'round anymore. . . It's CREDIT. Nearly every corporation lives on it and does business on it. They buy their inventories, pay their employees and their invoices with it. . . SO DOES OUR GOVERNMENT. THE 7OO BIL BAILOUT ALSO A CREDIT LOAN!!

thats called bad business practices,,,,ask SBA
our dollar is worth bout .30 now,,,,even funnier,,, our $ is the ONLY money in the world not backed by gold,,,,,just our reputation makes our $ worth anything,,,, guess whats happening to our rep.​
I agree! Without the need to pay it back. The problem is that the gov't wouldn't do something like that. Either give us the money to do with what we need to, or pay off 290 grand of each person's debts. That way, the debts are taken care of and we have something left over.
True.....but if our economy fails....who will China and Russia sell to? Europe is as bad as us. They manufacture now and we consume..........what if we can no longer consume our jobs away on credit?
..Well there goes my husbands chance of getting called back to work....
...he is in the sheet metal field..and there is NO building going on at all....another question i have are people loosing their retirements and such?..arent the banks insured?..isnt our money insured?..i know this is a silly question..but i'm just trying to figure all this out...*sigh*..guess its really time to learn how to cull a bird..and get some meat birds..for starters...
Where do ya'll live? My uncle is a sheet metal worker in the DFW area and last I heard it was still booming there.
Some are proposing putting that money to work to give the FDIC and SIPC the funds to " stand behind " the 401k.s 403b's to insure ALL savings from retirement plans, Money Market Funds, Money Market Accts. and savings of ANY kind.

Let's hope so. As of today though much of it is already gone. I have some time to make it up but I just feel really bad for the people who are ready to retire now - something they've been saving most of their lives for.

Just not to bail out unscrupulous lenders and borrowers who just wanted to FLIP properties or didn't know they actually couldn't afford that house.

Definitely agree.

I don't want to see retirements lost.......I have one too. But this won't bring jobs back or solve this mess.
we live in mass..and the local union pretty bad right now...alot of the shops are cutting hours...keeping the bare minimum we know of may have to shut its doors if they have to lay off any more guys...and the union usually hires alot of guys every year(apprecentices)..and this year they only hired one guy, cause there is no work...

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