Anyone watching/listening to the news?

Half of our federal deficit is funded by other countries. If we spook them, *half* of the budget won't get funded.

Not so simple.
* O.k., Here's a few specifics; We've hemorraging from multiple open arteries (and honestly, what we send to other countries as aid is a drop in the bucket!!) and we need to start tourniques to stem the flood. Our import list is one place to start. Imagine it's YOUR KID'S VERY LARGE CREDIT CARD THAT'S BEEN MAXED-OUT WITH ALL THIS COSTLY IMPORTED CRAPOLA (BECAUSE IT IS!!) What would you do, item-by- item, to cut of the flow??
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Our founding fathers did not like banks they warned against them. What happened though? We are ruled by banks... honestly these days it's hard to even cash a check without having a bank. My bothers and sisters have always hated them and don't have accounts, savings or anything to do with banks. I honestly don't want an account or anything. I'll keep it under my mattress or in the flour jar thanks.
Honestly politicians like to play the blame game, everyone does. The presidents we have, and had don't control as much as you may think. Yet everyone votes based on the lies the tell to win a popularity contest. All these problems now surfacing but it's been happening for a long time. It's finally catching up.
As far as the bailout's going to nip us any ways whether it's delayed or done in a different way we will end up paying for it. That is a promise...we all have our ideals and we know why grocery prices are going up, or why our electric bills are so high. For some reason the media and high up people keep making up diff. reasons why. They don't care cause they have millions of dollars to throw away on a jet or a fancy dress. Where just a 100k could help anyone with the problems we have.
Think of all the multimillionaire movie stars and such, and all the money they must have. If it was made mandatory that they gave money to help others there would be enough to do it. Oprah has a billion or so dollars imagine how many lives that could help.
Why are people donating to charities across the world when our own homes aren't secure, and people are jobbless and in debt? It makes no sense at all. This all needs to happen cause they all need a reality check and major humility check. IMHO
It's just too bad that the hard working people here have to take the hardest hit.
I hate to say this but until the entire monetary system of the U.S. like many other countries is changed from the ground up it is impossible to get out of debt. Every dollar printed is "loaned" to the government at interest. So as long as printed money and electronic funds are the official currency owned by the federal reserve it will continue to spiral downward.

If I printed $10.00 for you personally and loaned it to you at interest and this was your only currency how could you ever pay it back plus interest? You would have to borrow more from me to pay the interest which would also have interest on it. That is the situation with the way the federal reserve works. Reality is, there is no way to get out of debt. Every dollar is indebted from the moment it is created.
* Granted. This has all been coming since they took us of the gold standard back in the day and numerous other bad decisions since. . . .But, what do we do to get started stopping the bleeding NOW??-- or, do we just let the default jaggernaut roll on and take all of us and the country, (and a lot of the world, really) with it???? Seriously, do we just roll over, put our faces to the wall, and play dead for the next --- how ever many decades it takes for a massive global depression to "blow over"??
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Do what The U.S. has done before and other countries have also done. Reissue a new currency that the PEOPLE own and replace the dollar that exists on a 1 to 1 trade. It would create issues of its own, but an act of congress could put the dollar back in the hands of the people backed by real tangible assets. Thus, removing the federal reserve and loaned money from the equation.

A quick fix at this point is just that. There still is not enough money in the system to pay the bills and never will be.

What you need is a very solid long term solution and real stability to stop the panic.
* And, that's what they'd do, probably. Eventually. Either by tucking us up under the coattails of the EU or the UN or the World Bank or a combination thereof. . . Like I said to start with-- The question is just who did we sell ourselves in bondage to??? :|
All that I am saying DK is that there is and has historically been another option leaving the money in the hands of THE PEOPLE rather than borrowing it from any BANKING system.

Currently you are owned by the federal reserve, the world bank and those who own them. It doesn't have to be that way.

Euro is a debt based system also and will fail because of compounded interest.

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