Anything I'm missing?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
Just brought home some 1 week old chicks. I have the set up in a large storage tote with a wood chip floor, food in the feeder, water in the waterer, a little roosting stick, heat lamp. Did I get it all? Anything I'm over looking?
Sounds great! Many, many people do not start of this great!
Just make sure that the heat lamp does not melt part of the tote!
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Yea I keep checking it to make sure I don't have roasted chicks or a melted tote. I feel like I have a new born all over again
Do you have a thermometer? 90 - 95 under the lamp, with room for them to get away to a temp around 70 degrees. If the roost gets them to a higher temp than 90 degrees, remove it for now.
no but i strongly suggest getting a bail of alpha ha as bedding its better for them and they like to peck at it also might wanna think about a wire top as at about two weeks they will jump on to the top of that tote

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