Anyway to Not leave sharp edges when clipping wings?


Feb 27, 2020
Upstate Ny
I am getting really tired of getting slapped in the face by a sharp clipped wing while fishing my girls out of the trees. Is there any way to not leave sharp edges on the quills? I typically use either heavy scissors or garden pruners to clip. Probably going to not bother next molt since they still manage to get in the tree.
Why are they in trees? Is that where they're roosting? Trying to understand your sitch and maybe solve for the root cause instead of the clipping issue. I have alot of trees but have never had this issue so what's going on exactly??
Why are they in trees? Is that where they're roosting? Trying to understand your sitch and maybe solve for the root cause instead of the clipping issue. I have alot of trees but have never had this issue so what's going on exactly??
I have tree that overhangs low into their yard. Its not safe to drop it and does provide shade and predator cover. But I had a few big bossy hens that wouldnt let the pullets in the coop. They decided the tree was better. I clipped wings to try and keep them out and while it helped, it just moved some to lower, less safe branches.
Hence having to pull them out nightly and getting slapped in the face.
It will settle out come winter when they WANT to be under cover. But till then I catch the ones I can, leave the ones I cant. Looking for a way to not leave sharp edges not fix my roosting problem.
I also have some older Large breed hens that need weekly attention. For whatever reason they seem to take 2yrs to molt, so their wing clip from pullet age is still there and extra sharp.

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