Apartment Chickens


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
Hi all! I'm new to BYC and chickens in general. I guess I've been watching to many friends reruns, but I really want a pet chicken and a duck. I was wondering how feasible it really is to keep a chicken in an apartment? Has anyone ever done this before?
I don't think I would recommend it. Once they're over about 4 weeks old I can't stand the smell anymore! Even if you clean the cage every day, they STINK!
Well I think it all depends on the apartment type. You would not want to keep one inside though. It would work to start with, but as the birds grew up it would be very messy and could even cause health problems at some point. Good Luck!
Ohh well guess its a good thing I asked before I got one. I'm moving into a house in the near future (a couple of months) and just figured itd be nice if it could go outside by the time I got the house set up. I've just never been around chickens and kind of figured it'd be like any other kind of house bird. I guess I'll just have to be patient. Oh well gives me time to research on different breeds. Thank you for your reply.
I would not keep them inside. Even small/ young chicks ,couple days old,smell really strong.
I'm always glad to get them out of the house as soon as possible.
Maybe if you have a closed deck or something you can leave them outside during the days.
Depends were you live though.
I guess I'll just have to wait til I get my house
. My aunt just got some chickens and they are so cute and awesome. Then that show friends (the really old one) with the two guys in an apartment who have a chicken and a duck for some reason just made me think it was possible. Then again thats a tv show lol. You guys will just have to be patient with me while I ask annoying questions soon about different chicken breeds and your opinions on them. Nothing like being prepared for when I can get them soon!
Katy, who started the City Chicken, wrote that she raised a single bantam chicken in an apartment. She said that other people keep parrots, so why not a chicken. Yes, smell is a factor -- but according to this article, she said that she would do it again, but have two (so the chicken would not be lonely).

Write to her and ask! Read the story on the FAQ - http://home.centurytel.net/thecitychicken/
In your planning, how many chickens would you like to have when you have the house?
4? 2? I started with 6 Rhode Island Red chickens 16 weeks old this spring,mid April, bought them from a farmer. We built a chicken coop for them and they went right in there on day one.
But meanwhile, we borrowed an incubator and got 3 dozen fertile eggs, (we promised to share with the giver) We had the most wonderful time, we hatched 27 chicks. Lost only one, 15 were roosters, and we kept 8 hens. they are now 16 weeks old, and live in the chicken coop. Because there were so many chicks and it was summer, we moved them to a homemade brooder pen in the garage where they stayed for weeks. oh, we moved it outside when they got bigger.
We hatched 5 chicks 2 weeks ago, they are in a big box in my computer room, a dryer came in the box, I just cut it down a little. I am using wood chips in there for bedding and litter. they poop, and once a day I put clean wood chips down. the smell is minium or not at all. Every few days I take the chicks out and empty the box. put more wood chips down and start over. I am starting to take these chicks outside when its warm and sunny. I put them in a clear tote and keep an eye on them. getting them used to being outside. I will put them in the brooder outside soon on warmer days. and inside at night.
I did that with 5 bantys, outside durring the day and inside at night. so if you have a deck or patio, build them a wire box. (email me for directions)
Yesterday we hatched 3 chicks, they are in a clear rubber maid tote with a heat lamp. I have newspaper down them paper toweling over that. This will get cleaned out every day. easy, just roll up paper. them put clean down.
So a lot of this has to do with how many chickens you want to start out with. If you want one as sort of a pet, try it. Put sheets down on your carpet and be prepared to do a lot of wash. Or keep her in the kitchen with a box to sleep in, or anytime your not in kitchen.
You can get laying hens when you move, so you can get eggs right away.
If you are creative it just might work. good luck

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