aphis.org, backyard biosecurity packet

6chickens in St. Charles

10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
St. Charles, IL
I just got the Backyard Biosecurity packet with a couple dvd's, a calendar, a really informative brochure on Avian Influenza and a poster for my coop.

I don't think they meant to introduce a frenzy of possibilities, but looking at the pictures in the calendar made me think, "Really?! Emus? Peacocks? Junglefowl? I didn't know I could have those...."

Anybody else get this stuff?
I got a call from a woman who was in charge of putting together info on back yard flocks, bio-security and the various diseases. She was a hired contractor and not involved with them directly and was trying to figure out where she should advertise and get info from. I sent her to BYC but when I asked who was paying for this she said the USDA.

Now I told her that the diseases she was talking about were not very common for back yard flocks and that crd, Mareks and others were more of a concern but to ask around to see.

I told her I thought it was very fishy that the USDA was pushing this and I can only think that there are ulterior motives but as I said to her any info that tells how to conduct good bio security is helpful although I got the distinct impression that she was hired to put a scare in people a bit and not really as help, just masked as such. I think the BYC movement has the commercial industry a little bit scared.
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Yeah, I bet I'm on a "list" of some sort now, but their calendar really had me thinking for a minute there
ooh that peacock is pretty...........

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