April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

It finally happened! Just found this little beige egg about 20 minutes ago. It was layed by our 22 week old mystery breed, Daisy

The egg

The girl who layed it!
I have my BR's that I am not EXACTLY sure of their age. When I got them, I was told they were 6 weeks old and hatched in April. Further review by those in the know (I was new to chicks) said they were younger, probably 2 - 4 weeks at the oldest. So with this in mind, I am splitting the reported age with the lowest estimated age and going with 4 weeks at the time I picked them up.

They are now going on 19 weeks old...... or are they?

The girls get really red in the face at times, then it fades to the lighter pink color. No egg song, no squatting. I did notice a nice little dent carved out in the community nesting box today.

I just continue to fill the feeder, fill the water jug and take care of my 17, er 19,
uh 21 week old BR's. Then I look in the nesting box.

22 weeks today, and NO EGGS. I'm going to move the grill closer to the coop and see if they notice through the window. I'm betting RIR, BO, BA to lay in that order, but I wouldn't mind if they change order if I can have EGGS...
AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Stella, my gorgeous Barred Rock, has laid her first egg! At least I think it was her. I'm currently away at college- but this is the picture my family sent to me! I am SO proud! Going home tomorrow to see... YAY STELLA!!!


Oh- forgot to say that they are all going to be 21 weeks on Monday, born April 19th.
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Let me guess--they just finished demolishing the rose flowers and are now trying to decide which bush they will dig up first in the process of making a dusting pit.

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