April Fools 2014 - BYC Sponsored Study: Increase Chicken Broodiness By Up To 48% With Aluminum Foil

Forget the aluminum foil, I found this new fangled incubator. Will cut your incubation time in half. Drop the chicken egg in the hole and a chick will appear in 10 days. This particular unit will hold up to 18 eggs. Large version available for the ratite egg. You can get a conversion kit to adapt the unit to run off gas or diesel. Or simply plug it in any outlet. Solar power unit will be available next year.

Available exclusively at Chuckling Chicken Farms for $89.95 plus shipping.
Nice incubator you've got there

I'll happily purchase one of these if it cuts my hatch time in half! Awesome!!
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On another note...I'll have to try this tinfoil method next year once my chicks are at least a year old. I have never had a broody before so it should be fun!
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I now have an anaconda incubating 2 chicken eggs and an emu egg using foil. She usually eats eggs whole and pukes up the shell. She is 1 broody snake. Thanks byc.
I love it, I ask for actual scientific data and you give me pics of family farms. Would you like a picture of my farm and my friend farms who didn't participate? They would be very similar pictures and they still wouldn't prove anything. Prove to me that this isn't some elaborate April fool's joke or just take credit for putting together such a well-organized ruse.

I swear I'm not getting belligerant, I write this with a huge smile on my face. And if I'm proven wrong, if aluminum foil really can increase broodiness, I will eat my hat and start putting up foil in all my boxes, but I've read too much Sagan and I need reproducible data.

Ok I remember you all are good!

All I know is the actual data etc was forwarded to Nifty-Chicken and he stated in the thread starter that he would post it later today. 401 pages of data takes awhile to download and prepare for us to read it on line. I know Nifty has a day job and he may just not be available until this evening to finish the download. Nifty did post a chart showing the results, but the remainder is in that 401 pages of data. Those researchers are something. We invited one to hold a simple incubation seminar and 2+ hours later we all know about incubation, genetics and artificial insemination of chickens!

Can't wait to actually read all the 401 pages of data!

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