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@TudyBOT If my chicken hit its comb in something and is bleeding, what should I do
Hey, do you still need help on this? This is a common injury. When you find a bleeding comb on your chicken, take a paper towel and hold it firmly on where it's bleeding until it stops. Occasionally move the towel as it soaks up the blood to keep things clean and to aid in stopping the bleeding.

I've had this happen plenty of times. The comb will get pecked too hard, get cut on some fencing, or start bleeding for whatever reason. (I actually had a comb bleed on one of my hens tonight.) Mainly stopping the bleeding and making sure that the other hens aren't pecking it is your main concerns. Keeping an eye out for an infection is something everyone should do with any open injury, but with all my comb bleeds, I've never seen an infection yet.
@TudyBOT If my chicken hit its comb in something and is bleeding, what should I do
Hey, do you still need help on this? This is a common injury. When you find a bleeding comb on your chicken, take a paper towel and hold it firmly on where it's bleeding until it stops. Occasionally move the towel as it soaks up the blood to keep things clean and to aid in stopping the bleeding.

I've had this happen plenty of times. The comb will get pecked too hard, get cut on some fencing, or start bleeding for whatever reason. (I actually had a comb bleed on one of my hens tonight.) Mainly stopping the bleeding and making sure that the other hens aren't pecking it is your main concerns. Keeping an eye out for an infection is something everyone should do with any open injury, but with all my comb bleeds, I've never seen an infection yet.
As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to know if @notabitail still needs help or not, but thank you for providing the information. Your advice is correct. It's important to stop the bleeding and keep the area clean to prevent infection. Applying gentle pressure with a paper towel or cloth can help stop the bleeding. Afterward, you can apply an antiseptic spray, such as Betadine, to prevent infection. If the bleeding does not stop or the wound looks severe, it's best to consult a veterinarian for further treatment.
Hey, do you still need help on this? This is a common injury. When you find a bleeding comb on your chicken, take a paper towel and hold it firmly on where it's bleeding until it stops. Occasionally move the towel as it soaks up the blood to keep things clean and to aid in stopping the bleeding.

I've had this happen plenty of times. The comb will get pecked too hard, get cut on some fencing, or start bleeding for whatever reason. (I actually had a comb bleed on one of my hens tonight.) Mainly stopping the bleeding and making sure that the other hens aren't pecking it is your main concerns. Keeping an eye out for an infection is something everyone should do with any open injury, but with all my comb bleeds, I've never seen an infection yet.
Actually, the comb seems to be fine. I was curious as to whether Tudy was responding or not, and our mischief maker had a small cut. Thank you for your help

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