APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

Oh thankyou, that is a very nice compliment.

If you ever end up selling EE hatching eggs, you have a guaranteed customer.

Thanks again for another great compliment.
I have 5 pipping now, that I can see.
I pulled out the first half of the babies and did a quick candling of the rest, only to find the second half of the eggs DIS. I cracked 'em to find out what went wrong, and found I had a red-eyed and white skinned silkie chick in there, fully formed in the air sac but never pipped. IRRITATING!

I can't capture the red eye part, since they're tiny and a little cloudy now, but here's the rest of it.
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I'm so jealous of everyone's peeps and pips!!! Lockdown is tomorrow for me - hoping to see some little ones on Sunday but I'm having a hard time being patient!!!
I'm jealous too -- tomorrow is day 21 , fingers crossed that there will be some pips in the morning! But I'm not going to freak out if they take an extra day or two. I'm NOT.

Oh, who am I kidding...?
HI.was suppose to do lockdown last night...got it done this morning so will be interesting to see when they hatch..
Good Luck to all and HAVE FUN.
Ok, just did my final candling before lockdown tomorrow... Three of 6 alive and kickin! As I suspected I've got two quitters... There's definitely something weird in the one and the Marans egg may just be infertile. I'm thinking about cracking them to see what happened but I'm a little nervous to do it... Ive already got a cold, I don't really want to add puking to that

If I crack them and there's anything interesting I'll post it on a separate thread for opinions on what may have gone wrong.
Cracked the Marans and as suspected it wasn't fertile. That means I only had one egg that didn't make it to lockdown due to causes other than infertility. Still working up the nerve to crack that one... Might have to wait until the boyfriend gets home and make him do it!
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