APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

nothing here... end of day 21.. a few eggs are moving around a little.
That is a GOOD sign right?? My entire class of 2nd graders will be so upset if we don't have any hatch!!!
Any suggestions???
go to feed supply, pick up some chicks just incase, if all else fails, lie...

sorry, just kidding, are you hearing anything? how have your temps been? candling was ok? how many do you have?
day 19 hour 8
my temp is 99.9, hygro only reading 60. which is a big jump from the 30 it was pre-lockdown. we have light condensation on window, good thing or bad thing?
we taped the sides of the LG to help increase humidity, may take out a red plug.
friday at 1600 is exactly 21 days x 24 hours.
good luck all.
Lockdown in 2 more days...Friday needs to get here soon! I will be gone all day sunday, dont know how Im going to deal with that...
Day #20 here with my 8 remaining eggs. So far...no movement, no piping no zipping! Chickpeas and Tractor....are we all expecting on April 1? I put my eggs in on March 11 6am. I've removed 5 that were infertile or stopped so early I could not see anything other than yolk. These remaining 8 were candled day 18 when I was doing "lockdown" and there is a big black blob with air sac...but I never saw movement. Have you seen anything happening with your eggs? I read about so many with movement, pips, etc. and hope that mine is just waiting until day 21 to do anything. The suspense is killing me! I check the incubator almost every 10 minutes...99.5 temp....63 humidity. AUUUUGGGGGGH.
I am expecting April 1, put them in on 3/11.
I have one bantam chick this morning, calling me cheap now that she is out of the shell.
one more pipped. pouring down rain here now...

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