April Hatchalong, need hatchin' buddies!


9 Years
Nov 18, 2010
Southern Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
I set 9 eggs Sunday, 3/21
3 gameX
3 cornishX
2 LeghornX
1 poss Dom or BR(from a friend)

I was going to be setting more, but got a delay until this week end. Would have just put the few I collected in the fridge and started again, but a friend have me an egg last Monday that she got from a friend that she gave her "Dominicker" hen to. So, I set the few I had and I'm getting 12+ Olive egg Orp and 6 colum Wyan. from Lockedhearts, Hopefully 12+ dom eggs from a freind(real Doms, not "Dominickers"(even though that's what he calls them)).

What are you hatching, how many, and when will they hatch???
Looks like I might not be getting any Dom eggs for this hatch. He's collecting to hatch for himself. Maybe I'll get 3-4, He gets about 7 eggs aday.
I hatched out 3/4 last hatch soo if I don't get eggs, I still have a few chicks
I'm setting eggs today for the first time in my new brinsea incubator!! I'm getting maran eggs from Bargain in the mail today and picking random eggs from the yard - I'll post later what I have!! So ExCiTed!

My little gold bannie started sitting yesterday, we'll see if she means business or not! I also have a broody Catalana who is sitting on 5 duck eggs since Sunday and a broody duck sitting on about 25 duck eggs since thursday!! Yay for baby duckies!! It's my first hatch of duckling from this group, I can't wait to see what they look like! I have a real hodgepodge of ducks.

Best of luck to everyone!!
I've got a laundry list of birds that are mostly going to hatch in April.

Back on 3/3 I set sixteen White Midget turkey eggs that were shipped to me, now down to thirteen after first candling. They'll hatch about 3/31 or thereabouts. On 3/10 I set sixteen Cuckoo Maran eggs shipped from the same source to hatch with them the same day.

Also in the box I set twenty seven more White Midget turkey eggs from my own birds on 3/19 that should hatch along about April 17. On March 18, 19, and 20th I set 78 chicken eggs ranging from New Hampshires, Easter Eggers, White Leghorns, and mutts. Most of those will go to the county fair for a hatching display while the rest will hatch at home. They'll hatch out over April 7, 8, 9, and 10 at the fair.

Can't set anything else just now as my Dickey 2x2 is FULL! But as soon as I do have some space open up I'll have the next batch of turkey eggs ready to go in to hatch in early May.
just set up my first dozen yesterday dont know what kind they are gf forgot the name lol but wish me luck
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I just put 7 eggs under out broody BO yesterday! She has been broody pretty much her whole life and I don't think she even remembers why she is sitting there anymore. I hope the eggs will jog her memory. Usually she just sits on nothing. Thought we would just try her on EE eggs from our flock. That would put the due date around april 12th?!?!?! I think I would be over the moon excited if anything hatched!!!!

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