April/May gift swap

I got my package Sarah !! Its all in one peice. I am thrilled I love it. You are so crafty. I took photos all ready and just waiting for older son to get off my computer so I can upload. I am on my iPad right now. I love the glass and the eggs. I just a few days ago cleaned out my china hutch. I am putting the glass right in and going to have to have some wine tomorrow. Funny nobody even told me their was a box here. I was out changing ducks water and changing nesting boxes and powdering chicken butts.

Thank you thank you. Love it. Can't wait to show hubby. I love the purple butterfly. Its a symbol of the national fibromyalgia organization. Which my daughter and I both have. I have other issues but the FMS is what kicks my butt. Maybe the MS Isn't helping either lol. I am going to show it off at our next support group gathering.
Robin, (MrsSmith)

Thank-you so very much for our suprise gift that arrived Friday!! DW - Allison - thought I'd purchased eggs to incubate!! But we love our gift, many thanks!!


Gavin and Allison.
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Glad you liked it. I am able to find chicken themed stuff at a shop around here. I love the depression glass. I get lucky and find them. I use them from salt dips to soap dishes.
I also got a kick out of the peeps stickers
Are those hen nest dishes you sent to your swapper? AWESOMENESS! I wish I could find those somewhere local.... they are so cute! Also, I loooove those eggs you got! they are beautiful
Yes , I find them all over out here. I find a lot of chicken theme stuff at a thrift type shop near me. I have found not only nesting type but roosters in a dish type. People bring things in there constantly, Pretty cool finds. The one is Vaseline glass , put it under a black light

I Think I saw more last time I was there. But I had my son so didn't get a chance to buy all.
I got my package today from Heather? Thanks a lot. It was a traveling coffee mug and some towel/mitt and pot holder Thanks again Frank

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