April-may hatch along all are welcome ^-^

I want in on this fun!! I have my first every 24 eggs in the incubator only on the final of day 1. It was a pain in the ... to get everything running smoothly. But i keep reading and I think I am doing every thing right. I have shipped 6 welssummer, 6 lav marran/lav EE, 6 mixed EE, and 6 of my own buff orp/americana eggs. We will see? Any tricks from you knowledgable ladies?
good for u :) i just got my first pip ever and im like OMG! come on and then the chick goes quiet. Ugh
I want in on this fun!! I have my first every 24 eggs in the incubator only on the final of day 1. It was a pain in the ... to get everything running smoothly. But i keep reading and I think I am doing every thing right. I have shipped 6 welssummer, 6 lav marran/lav EE, 6 mixed EE, and 6 of my own buff orp/americana eggs. We will see? Any tricks from you knowledgable ladies?
good luck :fl :)

Is this a pip !
yay! :D
turns out, the isa brown was broody, I went out to her this morning and she was sitting on them all but one which she must of chucked out I wasn't sure if she's be able to brood that many anyway, I just have then to her so when I went to get it, she gave me one of those broody growls ahah so I just grabbed it, and felt one of the eggs it was warm, so hopefully she'll stay :D excited
then you are good! keep the humidity up and watch. wow.. i am so excited and they arent even mine! sheesh. lets go babies!!

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