Araucana Ameraucana strain

Can anyone tell me if we did in fact get an all white Ameraucana/Araucana from these pictures? We thought it was a buff orpington until the legs started getting dark like another we got with her. Any help would be great appreciated.

Been having this discussion over on the Indiana Thread. A couple of us noticed the discrepancy in RK and on the Townline Website. I found this great article on the Ameraucana Breeders site:

under additional notes it says "These people are not necessarily being deceptive, rather uneducated about the breed."

You'd think people/hatcheries whose families have been in the business for over 100 years would have figured it out! It seems that both the chicken guy at our local RK and Townline are very insistent about these being "pure bred". Okay, whatever. They are sexed EEs, which is what I want so I'll just go with it! I can't wait to get them and see how they feather out/what they look like!
Here are some updated pics of the chics. They will be 17 weeks old in two days. I figured it might be a little easier to figure out if they are Ameraucana's or EE's now.


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